Sitemap - 2024 - Rise of the New Media Newsletter

The Assassin Missed So...Biden Had To Go. Now.

No, Dana White Isn't Crazy

Are People Just Now Figuring This Out?

Brian's Meme of the Week:

Will Trump Unite The Country Tomorrow Night With An Epic RNC Speech?

Since the "Biden's Fine!" Big Lie Collapsed, Here's Six Questions Needing Answers...FAST!

Could Trump Stop All This Winning For Just A Minute? I'm Having Trouble Keeping Up!

The Day After the Biden Campaign Ended - What's Next?

Let's Discuss Why Trump Is SMART To Be Doing This Debate With Joe Dementia on CNN!

Who’s REALLY Going To Prevent WW3?

About Ivan Raiklin's Plan For 3,000+ Swatting Raids Across America

If They're REALLY Going To Try This? Why Democrats CAN'T WAIT Until **AFTER** The DNC To Replace Joe Biden

Why “Just Eat Less and Exercise More” Doesn’t Work For People Trapped in the Standard American Diet

Big Fake Food Corporations Have Known Since the Early 1980s What GMO Wheat Does To Your Brain...

News of the Week


A Ton of Deep Fakes Are Gonna Be Sent At Us In The Leadup To This Election...

Trump Keeps Goading The Deep State Into Coming Even Further Out Into The Open

It's Time For All Americans To Wake Up To The Biggest Health Care Threat...

Why Do People Who Stopped Eating Seed Oils No Longer Burn As Easily In The Sun?

The "Stop Trump!" Train Chugs Right Into Another Roadblock And Crashes To A Halt

Trump & MAGA Broke Their Matrix

Rise of the New Media Column Readout Podcast #1 With Patrick Gunnels!

It Was Scientifically Proven Years Ago A Diet High In Sugar Harms Your Brain

SURPRISE! Special Counsel Jack Smith & His Prosecution Team Are Actually A Bunch of Incompetent Screwups!

The 'Standard American Diet' Will Turn Your Family Into the Human Equivalent of Fat, Nutrition-Starved Tribbles

They're Still Messing With You By Using 'Anonymous Sources' To Drive Clickbait

They're VERY Worried About Trump's 2nd & Last Term Becoming A 'Revenge Tour'

Other People Are Constantly Trying To Seize Control of Your Mind...

They Can't Steal It For Joe A Second Time - And They Know It

If You Think It's The CCP Rigging American Elections For Decades, You Are Looking In The WRONG Direction

What Happens If Biden Resigns BEFORE The Election?

Do Not Ever Voluntarily Talk To The FBI. Ever. Make Them Get A Warrant.

10 Key Points For Getting Healthier Despite American Culture Trying To Pull You In The Other Direction

IT'S NOT YOUR IMAGINATION - They ARE Going Straight For Our Food Supply

Conservative, Inc. Is Starting To Lose Its Patience With All Of You...

Saw The New Flynn Movie

There's Only ONE MAN They've Tried To Destroy As Much As Donald Trump...

All Right, 'Fess Up! Who Had Trump Growing Fantastically RICHER While They Tried To Bankrupt Him?

VIDEO: How I Ended Up Inadvertently Becoming A Health Reporter

AUDIO: SURPRISE, SURPRISE...The Ronna Runs Straight To NBC News After Losing Her Job As RNC Chair!

AUDIO: Last Time They Could FAKE Their Polls To Show Biden Being More Popular Than Trump

Aw Gee, Donald Trump Got Away Yet Again!

SURPRISE SURPRISE...The Ronna Runs Straight To NBC News After Losing Her Job As RNC Chair!

It Doesn't Matter If There Was A "Plan" Or Not - Trump Continues To Expose The Deep State

The CIA's Role In The Biden Crime Family's Activities In Ukraine Begin To Surface

Last Time They Could FAKE Their Polls To Show Biden Being More Popular Than Trump

The Trump NYC Lawfare Farce Is About To Enter The Next Stage

Missouri vs Biden - Why This Case Matters

The Carnivore Diet Is Growing In Popularity

The Quitting Field Is Over There - It's Not Here

The Sugar Industry Has A Lot To Answer For

Trump's Takeover of the RNC Continues, Much To The Horror of Conservative, Inc.

Why Federal Law Enforcement Officials Are Not Able To Indict The Chief Executive They Work For

Special Counsel Robert Hur Was Not At All Honest About Why He Didn't Charge Joe Biden

Why Trump Will Not Open That Door On Vaccine Deaths/Injuries Until He Is Safely Reelected

Ignore The GOP UniParty Fundraising Handwringing Panic...

The Explosive Book "Find Me The Votes" Finally Comes Up During The Fani Willis DQ Hearing

Exploring The Idea of Diet Tied To Blood Type w. Linda Serieka and Saga Stevin

Gettin’ HARD Out There For Trump Doomers

Get Off the "Just Eat Less/Do A Lot of Cardio!" Hamster Wheel

Marc Elias Is Scared...And He Should Be

The World's Biggest Hidden Secret When It Comes To Healing & Detoxifying Your Body...

The Desperate Dietary Situation of the World

As More Americans Stop Using Seed Oils & Margarine, Suddenly Bill Gates Is Pushing Fake Butter

The Ukraine Illusions Are Now Collapsing & The World Is Learning The Truth

AUDIO READING: Beware The Wrath Of The Patient Man

AUDIO READING: Hello, Trump Russia Russia RUSSIA Collusion Hoax, My Old Friend!

Remembrances II

Beware The Wrath of a Patient Man

Hello, Trump Russia Russia RUSSIA Collusion Hoax, My Old Friend

Could Alvin Bragg Be The Last, Best Lawfare Chance To Send Trump To Jail Before The Election?

READ ALONG WITH BRIAN: Trump the Warmonger Vs The Foreign Policy Wonks of 'Peace" Pt 2

The Hidden War On Male Testosterone Levels

Read Along With Brian: Trump The Warmonger vs The Foreign Policy Wonks of Peace: Part 1

Election Interference Like This Country Has Never Seen Before...

VIDEO: The Censorship State Is Fighting Back!

The UniParty Doesn't Even Bother To Hide It Now That They Couldn't Care Less About You Or Your Family

Is Any of This Unconstitutional Lawfare Against Trump Ever Going To Pay Off?

Ozempic Is NOT the Answer To America's Diabetes Epidemic

An Explosive New Book Creates More Scandal For Prosecutor Fani Willis

AUDIO: Tucker Carlson Is Having The Last Laugh

In a Disaster of a Press Conference, Joe Biden Inadvertently Makes The Case For Invoking the 25th Amendment.

Is The Entire Crowdstrike House of Cards About To Collapse?

Tucker Carlson Is Having The Last Laugh

The 1970's Health Guard Dog That Didn't Bark

AUDIO: Ann Coulter's Rotten Terrible No-Good Mood Is Not Likely To Improve Anytime Soon...

Ann Coulter's Rotten Terrible No-Good Mood Is Not Likely To Improve Anytime Soon...

Globalist Billionaires: Evil Super-Rich Tyrants With Too Much Money And Too Much Free Time On Their Hands

Brian Cates Vigilant News Roundup For January 2024

What If Everything They've Been Telling You About Food Is...WRONG?

Audio: Here's Your Helpful Reminder That If They Had Anything Real On Trump, You'd Have Seen It Years Ago

Joe Biden Pathetically Whining He's Done All He Can Do On The Border Invasion...

Here's Your Helpful Reminder That If They Had Anything Real On Trump, You'd Have Seen It Years Ago

AUDIO: NeoCon Nikki Admits The Awful Truth

AUDIO: Give It A Rest, Conservative Inc.

NeoCon Nikki Admits The Awful Truth...

Give It A Rest, Conservative Inc.

AUDIO: Is NeoConn Nikki Stuck On Stupid?

Is NeoCon Nikki Stuck on Stupid?

Its Over NeoCon Nikki

The New Hampshire Primary Will Continue To Bring The Actual State of The GOP Race Into Focus

If Ron DeSantis Drops Out & Endorses Donald Trump, Where Would That Leave Nikki Haley?

AUDIO: Why Is DOJ Publicly Affirming For The First Time That The Laptop Is Real & Genuine?

AUDIO: Fake News Media Declares Donald Trump The Winner of Iowa in Like 20 Seconds...

How Long Can Biden Hang On?

Why Is DOJ Publicly Affirming For The First Time That The Laptop Is Real & Genuine?

Fake News Media Declares Donald Trump The Winner of Iowa in Like 20 Seconds...

Vivek Ramswamy's Campaign To Replace Trump Crashes & Burns Just 48 Hours to Iowa's Caucus

"QAnon" Beat Journalists In The Fake News Suck At Their Jobs

Hunter Biden Hands A Huge Campaign Trail Win To Donald Trump

Remembrances 1