They Can't Steal It For Joe A Second Time - And They Know It
Here's why you're watching the Deep State's rising panic as the lawfare continues to fail.
I got a lot of feedback to this recent column about whether ‘Basement Joe’ has a real shot at ‘beating’ Trump in a rematch, what with the Deep State having to come out from behind the curtain to transparently steal the 2020 election with 3 am ballot dumps in front of the entire country when Trump was beating their cheat on election night.
Some people think the Deep State has enough mojo left to ‘arrange’ a shocking COMEBACK ‘WIN’ for Basement Joe Biden in this upcoming 2024 Presidential election.
They don’t seem to be able to recognize the shifting of the political realities over the past 3 1/2 years that would make such a theft almost, if not completely, impossible.
As I’ve been emphasizing, the mere act of stealing an election with massive amounts of vote fraud is becoming increasingly challenging. However, it's also just the first step. Even if they were to succeed in pulling off another election theft in 2024, they would still have to get enough of the public to ‘buy in’ to the idea that Biden supposedly pulled off an astounding comeback.
Successfully STEALING The Election Is Only Half The Battle
Stealing the throne doesn’t win you anything if most of the subjects refuse to bow their knees to the usurper. So you don’t steal the throne unless you know you can get most of the subjects to accept the new ruler. Steal the throne without enough support and your reign will be a very short one.
They managed to convince enough of the country the last time to ‘buy-in’ to Biden, beating Trump with 81 million votes.
Why were they able to do that?
Like it or not, it doesn’t matter how long you have been awake; that’s utterly irrelevant to what I’m about to say: When they stole the 2020 election, more than half the country was still sound asleep.
Had Trump made ANY MOVE to utilize the military or the Department of Justice, even to give the APPEARANCE he was not leaving because that election had been blatantly stolen from him, there would have been a civil war.
He’d have destroyed himself in the process.
Many of his enemies and many of his stupider supporters were really hoping he’d be dumb enough to try that.
More than half of the country, those still sound asleep, would have FOUGHT HIM if he’d tried to use military, law enforcement, or judicial power to stay in the White House.
You know it; I know it.
It would have triggered something exceedingly ugly.
Instead, on the appointed day, at the appointed hour, he climbed into that helicopter, and he LEFT.
He did the right thing.
They were SUCCESSFUL at being able to furiously GASLIGHT that fifty percent plus of your fellow Americans into ACCEPTING THE FRAUDULENT RESULT back in 2020.
They were able to point to the polls and insist nothing shocking had just happened. Why? Biden was always going to win; he led Trump in every poll up to Election Day!
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but…have you noticed just how fast the mainstream media propaganda outlets have LOST ALL THEIR MOJO over the past couple of years? Especially since millions of Americans have woken up to the fact that Fake News gaslit them into accepting a stolen election?
It’s gotten to the point where it’s like watching the air leave a deflating balloon. Their ratings, which have been declining for years, are now plummeting like a stalled jet falling to Earth.
How are you gonna furiously SELL a new, even more blatant, and ludicrous election theft for a massively unpopular President via your CIA-controlled propaganda mouthpieces disguised as ‘news media outlets’ if nobody’s watching them any longer?
On top of what I just pointed out, there’s also this: Back in November of 2020, Shoutin’ Joe Biden hadn’t been the shittiest, most godawful, terrible, rotten, horrible, no-good President of modern times.
Trump is now more popular than he was in 2020 and will continue to grow his base over the next six months, including adding millions of disillusioned Biden voters to his camp. Meanwhile, RFK Jr. siphons off anywhere from 12% to 20% of Democrats who otherwise would have voted for Basement Joe.
Stop Watching Fake News
The biggest telltale sign I see from people giving me feedback that they think they’ll steal it for Biden again, even as he stays in his basement for the next six months, is that they’re still consuming too much of the enemies’ propaganda. They’re watching too much Fake News.
Fake News knows what its job is, and people need to remember this. Its job is to disillusion you and convince you the bad guys are winning, the good guys are idiots, the Great Reset is marching to victory, and the Great Awakening is a joke.
Let me give you an example of how Fake News attempts to frame current events: this current absurd “hush money” trial in NYC.
IF YOU’RE WATCHING THE FAKE NEWS COVERAGE OF THAT TRIAL, what are the propagandists endlessly trying to convince you of as you watch their ‘news coverage’?
Well, they’re relentlessly trying to get you to buy into this:
“Trump is in an awful lot of trouble here. Oh sure, he’s putting on a brave face, but look, the walls are really closing in on him this time…he’s got to be feeling the pressure! As we all know, he’s not very bright, he’s actually pretty much an idiot, yet it’s still amazing he’s put himself in this position, making these payments to a porn star! One can only imagine how angry and depressed Trump must be these days as his legal problems mount while he’s trying to run a campaign for President! He really should drop out of the race and just go away soon!”
Look at Trump when he’s on live TV over the past couple of months. Does he look like he’s worried or panicked to you? Does he appear to be a man who thinks he’s doomed, that the ‘walls are closing in on him’?
Now, don’t get me wrong, Trump does spend a lot of his time on his social media and in his public statements COMPLAINING about how unfairly he’s being treated with all of this over-the-top, scorched earth lawfare and how this demonstrates just how corrupt and evil his enemies are.

But do you get the sense that as he’s pointing out all this blatant election interference, he’s panicking or depressed or looking over his shoulder like a doomed man waiting for the axe to fall on his neck?
Because I can tell you right now, that’s not the impression I get of this amazing man as he continues to press in this truly historic reelection bid.
Trump is thriving these days. He looks like he’s having the time of his life at his rallies. Don’t just take my word for it. Watch him for yourself.
He’s obviously full of energy and positivity and doesn’t appear worn down or defeated at all. Something that infuriates all his enemies who truly thought their lawfare strategy would have ground him down into dust by now.
Contrast that with Joe Biden, who appears increasingly frail, confused, and feeble as he continues to provide viral video moments of his latest gaffes, such as this one where he loudly read out the ‘PAUSE’ instruction on his teleprompter then gave one of those wide shit-eating grins he does when he realizes he’s just done another bone-headed gaffe.
Trump keeps insisting he’s learned from that 2020 election theft, and this time, he’s going to ensure that it’s “TOO BIG TO RIG!”
Given how things are going for both candidates currently, I would not bet on the Deep State pulling a massive white rabbit out of its hat and then conning the country into going along with this farce for a second time.
And I hope you can see I have very valid and explainable reasons for this confidence.
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What do you think of Bannon's comments that Elias and Raskin are putting together a plan for Congress to NOT certify Trump's win of the election and electoral votes?
All true, Brian. And we've just seen the start of the tsunami of declassified information that will be hitting the public consciousness over the next 6 months. By the time November rolls around, anyone not voting MAGA will be considered an enemy of this country. Our President mentioning 150 million supporters was not just idle talk.