If You Wanted To Kill A President And Make It Look Good, How Would You Go About It?
Wouldn't You Take Concrete Steps to Deliberately Compromise the Ability and Competency Level of His Security Detail?
Isn’t that precisely what happened to Donald J. Trump at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally two weeks ago?
Didn’t a former President, who is known to be a direct and existential threat to the present corrupt system in Washington DC, end up being shot because a series of very curious and indefensible decisions were made regarding both his security detail and the security plans for that rally?
It has become abundantly clear that many of the decisions made regarding Trump’s security at the Butler rally were indefensible because the Secret Service Director who was in charge of that agency in the lead-up to this assassination attempt is now the **former** Secret Service Director.
Secret Service Chief Kimberly Cheatle resigned on July 23rd, exactly ten days after Trump was shot.

In several hours of testimony before a Congressional panel of US lawmakers last Monday, Cheatle’s answers were evasive, nonsensical, and often defiant.
Although it is the standard dodge at such hearings of this nature to constantly refer to ‘the ongoing investigation’ to preclude discussion of certain matters, Cheatle’s constant refrain that she ‘took full responsibility’ for the glaring security lapses that led to Trump being shot began to grate on the ears as she adamantly refused to discuss in any detail whatsoever exactly how those manifest security lapses in Butler, PA that day came about.
During her testimony, Cheatle was directly asked several times how much of Trump’s security detail for the Butler rally were not Secret Service agents but were instead brought in from other agencies.
Cheatle consistently avoided answering those questions.
Far from being a close-knit, crack team of Secret Service agents well-versed in the techniques, strategies, and carrying out of close personal security operations who were long used to working together as a unit…it was slowly and laboriously being learned that Trump’s security team in Butler that day was actually a quickly assembled hodgepodge of agents cobbled from various federal agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations agency.

In other words, strings appear to have been pulled to ensure Trump was surrounded by impressive-looking agents in suits and sunglasses that day in Butler who didn’t have any real training in providing close personal security. They were not really bodyguards and had no real training for the roles they were suddenly thrust into.
The HSI people at the DHS may be fine law enforcement officers when it comes to investigating cases, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll know what they’re doing when, for some strange and mysterious reason, someone high up the chain of command decides to pull them off of their cases at HSI and suddenly drop them into a former President’s security detail.
Who made that decision? Why was that decision made?
How could that decision have been made when there were credible threats against Trump’s life?
Why was a ‘B Team’ being thrown together around Trump when several members of his security detail were being brought over from other federal agencies and told to suddenly begin playing bodyguard when they didn’t have any real training for it?
Wait, scratch that. I’m not even sure you could call Trump’s team in Butler on July 13 the “B Team.” From the way they responded after Trump was shot, I’m not even sure you could call it the ‘F Team.’
Expectations had been building for years that Trump would be the target of an assassination attempt. God knows the deranged Left in this country fantasized about it often enough in theatrical plays, music videos, and art exhibits.

Beyond that, however, it was clearly understood that Trump has many enemies abroad, made from his time as President when he stood up to rogue and criminal regimes around the world.
This made what happened right after Trump had a chunk of his right ear shot off comically surreal in a Kafkaesque sort of way.
Wait, What? Iran? Are You Kidding Me?
On top of throwing together a security team for Trump in Butler made up of people not trained to be bodyguards or to handle public event security for a designated protectee while also deciding that dog teams or drones wouldn’t be needed that day…it was known in advance that there was a serious and credible threat on Trump’s life from the hostile regime in Iran.
I am not making this up, I swear.
This actually happened.
After scaling down Trump’s security for the rally in Butler, and after Trump had been shot, and everything had turned to shit, the feds decided to reveal they’d been tipped off that there was reliable and credible intelligence that Iran planned to try to assassinate the former President.
Absolutely incredible, isn’t it?
Who responds to actionable intelligence of a foreign power threatening the life of the GOP’s frontrunning candidate that the Deep State has been trying to ferociously destroy for the past several years by [checks card] scaling down his rally security and ensuring he gets a team around him that isn’t used to working together and isn’t trained to prevent or respond to an assassination attempt?
Kim Cheatle had no good answer to this, and that’s why she’s now gone. Apparently, it’s hoped that Cheatle's falling on her sword will end the asking of these questions and that the public will now move on and forget what it’s learned.
That’s not going to happen.
An Illusion Dies With The Sound of a Shot Heard Around The World
Much of the public has always believed that Donald J. Trump was surrounded by some of the very best, if not THE very best, personal protection security personnel in the world—or at least in the United States. A crack, hand-picked team of highly trained, well-coordinated Secret Service agents who were long used to working and planning together at the highest levels.
The public has now learned that this view of Trump’s Secret Service protection was, in fact, a clever illusion. It may have been true once, but it’s becoming very clear that something went horribly wrong with both the composition and competency level of Trump’s security details in the build-up to the July 13 event.
As it turns out, there was a ‘hand-picked team’ in Butler that day— just not in the way people thought.
To the naked eye, unless a person had experience in personal protection security details, the security around Trump at his recent rallies, especially the one in Butler, no doubt appeared impressive and competent.
But the moment the first shot rang out on that fateful day on July 13, the illusion of Trump’s personal protection detail being well-trained, well-coordinated, and competent evaporated forever.
For one thing, there seemed to be too many short, stocky women on Trump’s detail in Butler. Trump is 6 foot 2, by many accounts, so how is a 5 foot 7 woman going to adequately cover him in the event of an attempt to kill him?

By the time the RNC kicked off in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Trump made his appearance, all the short, husky female agents who looked out of place were nowhere to be seen, and Trump was again surrounded by tall male agents who looked rough and ready for anything.
Let’s hope that continues.
You Don’t Need A Massive Conspiracy To Kill A President. You Just Need To Find A Way To Leave A Hole In The Security
To pull off what occurred in Butler, a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of people, is unnecessary. All you need is a few key people in a few top roles in the federal bureaucracy.
All that is necessary is for the proper strings to be pulled in a few choice places behind the scenes to ensure that the ‘barn door’ gets left wide open for the CIA Gladio team’s insertion into the venue.
The public is expected to believe that some 20-year-old loser defeated all that ‘crack’ security, managed to sneak a rifle and explosives into the venue, climb up on a roof, and bring that rifle to bear after several minutes up there [with rallygoers SCREAMING loudly to nearby Secret Service and law enforcement that they could clearly see him], nobody warns Trump, who is then brought out and put on stage like the sacrificial lamb he was supposed to be and he gets shot, one rallygoer is killed and another is seriously wounded.
I, for one, do not buy any of this. And you shouldn’t, either.
The investigation WILL continue. And we will not stop until we get the true answers to our questions.
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No. It isn’t going to be swept aside. Dir. Wray is still a person on interest imo. His testimony to Congress was pathetic. The attempt to cast doubt on a bullet hitting Trump was positively infuriating. Corey Comparetore would attest to BULLETS, not shrapnel, not glass, not wood, if he could. But HE’s DEAD! They killed him, and Would have killed Pres.Trump if all had gone their way. Enough of this! Within minutes of the failed effort, Biden drops out? The news cycle shifts to the lamebrained Harris? Pfffft. They can run whomever they please. They DON’T HAVE ANYONE WORTH CONSIDERING. What they do have is a mountain of treason and now bloody death to answer for. Im all for this criminally insane cabal to be destroyed and to coin their term~ Whatever it takes !
The questions will continue; the investigation will continue (not by the cabal’s minions) until the truth is revealed. That means we will find out who at the top of the minions in the country ordered the attempted assassination. I wonder if it’s the same person who ordered the coup against Biden’s lame campaign? You can bet Obama & Hillary were at the top…or gave the order. WHO gave them the order to implement an assassination and a coup? Only to have him replaced by an even more lame and very dumb person. God bless you, Brian. Keep picking the scabs off.🙏🙏🇺🇸