
We did juuuuuuussst enough over the past 4 years in our election integrity efforts to slip Trump past all the cheaters in the battlegrounds and get him back into the White House.

Were they still cheating? Hell yes.

Did they TRY really really HARD to cheat enough to keep Trump from winning? But of course!

Did they spectacularly fail to cheat enough so as to prevent a Trump return? Most certainly!

We were NEVER going to root out all the election fraud BEFORE Trump returned in triumph to the White House.

Anybody claiming we would ever have been able to do that before 2024 was either messing with you or smoking some really good stuff.

What our mission was, what we focused on, was preventing enough of the fraud so Trump could get past their cheat network in the battlegrounds.


And now everything changes.

Bookmark this post. Check it annually on Nov 7, 2025, Nov 7, 2026, Nov 7, 2027, etc.

You'll see I'm right.

We did it.

We got into position to take our country back.

And we're going to take it back as our ranks swell and even more people wake up and join us.

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