Big Fake Food Corporations Have Known Since the Early 1980s What GMO Wheat Does To Your Brain...
In case you're wondering why there's some form of GMO wheat in almost EVERY THING they make.
As you may recall, in a recent column I speculated about whether the big fake food corporations had ever deliberately tinkered with their products to make them more addictive and boost their sales - while wrecking hundreds of millions of Americans’ health in the process. That is, I wondered if the big fake food executives had done something similar to what Big Tobacco had been caught doing back in the 1990’s:
Well guess what?
It turns out the Big Fake Food Corporation [BFFC] executives HAVE been tinkering with their toxic fake food products for decades now to make them as addictive as possible, just like those vile tobacco executives did.
Renowned author and health activist Daniel Trevor presents this startling revelation in his latest groundbreaking book, “Unholy Trinity: How Carbs, Sugar & Seed Oils Make Us Fat, Sick & Addicted and How to Escape Their Grip.” I strongly recommend that everyone delve into this eye-opening book.
In the book’s tenth chapter, Trevor begins by making what appears to be an exceptionally bold claim:
Later in that chapter, after walking the reader through the anthropological development of just a few recent centuries of human grain farming, Trevor reveals what this mystery addictive chemical is:
Here’s the scientific evidence Trevor cites in his book to back up his claims about what these BFFC executives learned about gliadin back in the late 1970’s/early 1980’s:
C Zioudrou, et al, Opioid peptides derived from food proteins, PubMed, 1979,
D Kitts, K Weiler, Bioactive proteins and peptides from food sources, Current Pharmaceutical Design, PubMed, 2003,
Dr. Jeremy Shmoe, Gluten and dairy are like addictive drugs to the brain, The Functional Neurology Center,
Wm Davis, M.D., Infinite Health, 2012,
F Dohan, J Grasberger, Relapsed schizophrenics: earlier discharge from the hospital after cereal-free diet, American Journal of Psychiatry, PubMed, 1973,
A Drewnowski, et al, Naloxone an opiate blocker reduces the consumption of sweet high-fat foods in obese and binge eaters, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, PubMed, 1995,
Leo Pruimboom and Karin de Punder, The opioid effects of gluten exorphins, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2015, PubMed,
Understand what they’ve been doing? For over four decades to this point?
The Big Fake Food Corporations dumping this GMO wheat in massive quantities into the US food supply have known for 40+ years now what gluten has been doing to millions of Americans’ digestive systems.
So why haven’t they ditched the gluten in most of their products? Why do YOU have to make the effort to to go find the ‘gluten-free’ versions that only began to be made AFTER too many people were having digestive problems with their GMO-glutenized wheat products?
The answer is something that’s found IN the gluten that is VERY IMPORTANT to these fake food corporations: a protein called Gliadin. They discovered this protein in gluten was like a chemical crack. When you eat GMO wheat, the gliadin in the gluten goes straight to your brain and makes you CRAVE MORE FOOD, and it makes you HUNGRIER.
And once they discovered what gliadin does to your brain, the Big Fake Food Corporations started dumping their GMO/gluten/gliadin-filled-wheat into just about every-freaking thing they make that ends up on your grocery store shelves.
Imagine the dollar signs that lighted up in the eyes of the BFFC executives back in the early 1980’s once they saw the results of the scientific testing of Gliadin’s effects on the human brain.

Surprise! It’s profits over people’s health and wellbeing.
Same as with the COVID-19 vaccines, government bureaucrats working in conjunction with Big Pharma had to sabotage HCQ and Ivermectin for their profits.
These food companies don’t care about you and will literally sell you toxic, addictive fake food they’ve tinkered with to make you constantly want to eat more of it, get fatter, get sicker, and get weaker while they laugh all the way to the bank.
AND OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT ONLY NOT DOING ANYTHING TO PREVENT THIS HARM TO THE PUBLIC…our lawmakers have all been bought off and are in bed with these Big Fake Food Corporations.
Everybody is making major bank here. Why rock the boat? Why expose that the ‘Gliadin Golden Goose’ is a massive health hazard during an ongoing national emergency health crisis of exploding levels of diabesity?
Why would anyone make themselves a target by rocking this boat anyway? These BFFC’s and their Big Government business partners can afford six-and-seven-figure contracts with public relations and lawyer firms. Try to touch their money or damage their business model and they might come after you.
That doesn’t mean we can’t win this fight as a movement, though. By going around these people and educating the public about what’s been going on.
Despite repeated government efforts to cover for their Big Pharma pals, the truth about the recent COVID-19 Plandemic has continued to surface.
Reluctantly and with exceedingly poor grace, Big Pharma, Big Government and their Fake News Media mouthpieces have been slowly forced into retreat about the numerous COVID-19-related lies and propaganda:
On the origins of the virus
On the gain-of-function research and who funded it,
On masking and locking the public down,
On the manipulation and inflation of COVID-19 deaths,
On the efficacy of cheap drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to prevent COVID infection and mitigate the symptoms if the virus was contracted,
On the truly massive international censorship effort to rigidly prevent world populations from straying from official global COVID-19 narratives and sharing what later has turned out to be true, accurate and scientific information.
The ‘Great Awakening’ paradigm currently underway is setting the template for the future.
When the issue turns from absolutely ensuring that another Plandemic cannot be successfully launched by this so-called ‘elite class’ upon previously unsuspecting populations, to a much needed major food and health reformation, there is great value in having already established methods of going around elite-controlled media.
Let me state it even more plainly: having lost their total narrative control and having utterly failed at preventing the exposure of their awful COVID-19 crimes, these vile people aren’t going to be any more successful at hiding their very real malfeasance on the food supply issue.
Much of the scientific evidence has already been compiled as to what’s been going on, thanks to people like Daniel Trevor.
As Americans wake up to the diet/food issue and begin to grasp what has been done to them and their families, I wouldn’t want to be these Big Fake Food Corporate executives for all the whiskey in Ireland.
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Brian you had me at gmo. But what I would like to know is what food are you talking about specifically...
Growing up in the 50s and 60s, no one I knew personally was obese…..NO ONE.
Thanks, Brian! God bless you.🙏🙏