The "Hidden Rulers" Being Exposed By Trump Reject the Christian Enlightenment To Justify Their Crimes Against Humanity
We've been living in a secret oligarchy run by a super-rich pagan aristocratic cabal all this time - they've just been immensely successful at hiding that from us - until now

Here's what people don't understand about the super-rich wealthy elite banking aristocrats who've been running much of the Western world from behind the curtains for the past 150 years or so. They've been using hand-selected front men/women for whom they rig elections for some time now to fool the populace of various countries into thinking they are living in representative republics or democracies.
This elite class of 'hidden' aristocrats are pagans for very deliberate reasons. It's how they justify what their families have been doing to the rest of us for hundreds of years.
When The Enlightenment kicked off in Western civilization [look that up if you don’t know what it means or you happen to be from Rio Linda], and was spectacularly successful at replacing the old pagan world-view of monarchy, those who were literally dethroned immediately set about plotting and scheming about how to get their access to power back.
They immediately set about trying to undermine the Enlightenment.
Unfortunately, a lot of cowardly Christians are making it easy for these people to keep the Christian community checked and out of the fight.
The Enlightenment is not being utilized to 'deChristianize' the West.
The Enlightenment—especially the founding of the United States and the establishment of a Republican system of government—enshrined the principles of the Christian revelation in Republican forms of government.
The rights of all humans come from God. This is literally one of the founding principles of our American Republic, as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.
Pagans **reject all of this**. They hate it with a passion, in fact.
They look at the universe and their fellow humans from a decidedly pagan point of view—one based on the pre-Enlightenment worldview that expressly rejects the idea that all men are equal and have the same rights. The noble class has the right and, indeed, the duty to rule over the commons.
According to this view, God does not make all men and women equal. Instead, he makes some to rule over all the others. And if, by some twist of fate, the nobility are no longer allowed to rule over us openly, well then! They’ll just have to find some surreptitious means of reasserting their authority, won’t they?
So that is what they did. Quietly, behind the scenes, they used finance and debt to reassert control of many of the Western governments of the world, hollowing out their republican forms and slowly constructing a truly international criminal cabal that many Americans these days affectionately refer to as “The Deep State”.
Most of the well-documented Bohemian Grove shenanigans center around a ritualized rejection of the Christian worldview and the arcane ceremonies are clearly based on pagan beliefs.
This confuses some people, who don’t seem to understand the basis for the Enlightenment and the establishment of the American Republican form of government in our Constitution. They view The Enlightenment as being mostly the rise of ‘anti-Christian, atheistic, evolutionary Science’. For this reason many Christians I’ve encountered have a very hostile view of The Enlightenment.
While it’s true many with an axe to grind against Christianity seized upon the emerging Western Science as a tool to use to attack the Christian faith, the Enlightenment encompassed a vast sea change in all of Western culture, much of which was overwhelmingly positive.
In fact, as many of the philosophers of science that I’ve read have remarked, those who attempted to use Enlightenment Science to promote atheism and evolutionary views that deliberately excluded any Designer always ended up having to rig the game in their favor via their philosophical boundaries, for which they cannot offer any real proof.
For a full understanding of how the pre-Enlightenment world-view justified the rule of an elite aristocrat class and how the successful [for a time] the advent of The Enlightenment disenfranchised the pagan view of a divinely-established monarchy, I would highly recommend episode 4 of Professor Allan Guelzo's lecture "Thomas Jefferson's Books" in 'The Great Courses' series "America's Founding Fathers":
In the present situation in which we find ourselves, we haven't had a true representative republic for over 150 years now. Instead, we've been ruled by a hidden aristocracy that uses a 'fake front government' whose strings The New Noble Class pulls from behind a thick, almost impenetrable curtain.
In this manner, the public is tricked into believing it has a form of self-government through elected representation when, in fact, it does not.
This is why Donald J. Trump and the MAGA/America First movement are such a danger to these people.
Whether deliberately or inadvertently, the true corrupted and anti-constitutional form of the real and actual American government is slowly being FORCED TO EMERGE into the light from the darkness in which it has been able to hide successfully for so long.
In their continued efforts to stop the unstoppable Trump juggernaut, these long-hidden aristocrat rulers are being forced out into the open where we can all see them.
Their puppet front people in our political and media class are growing increasingly frustrated and panicked over their inability to destroy Trump thus far.
And millions of Americans are now able to comment to each other profusely on social media about the latest Satanic/Pagan spell they are trying to cast on us via their Fake Media. Their playbook is so well known at this point that we're loudly talking about the new gaslighting illusion narrative they're going to try even before they can get themselves into the right position to begin trying to cast it.
And that's a beautiful thing.
When they have lost their one superpower, the ability to cast satanic illusions that bamboozle just enough of the public to provide them with the necessary cover, it's only a matter of time until they are exposed and they begin bleeding out their influence and control.
Then, we can put them all on trial for their crimes against humanity - especially the children. And execute most of them.
Because we have to utterly and completely destroy this hidden cabal of super-wealthy aristocratic pagan Satanists before we can get our country back and return things to how they should have been all along.
We can get back to the post-Enlightenment republican form of government that our Founders bequeathed us.
I'm really looking forward to it.
How about you?
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AMEN, Brother! Just a few in the public square would put an end to much of the evil that we have had to deal with...
It has taken a few years of really studying this stuff for me to finally be able to accept this as fact. I tripped down all sorts of rabbit holes I now understand to be crafted as diversions, but now I realize that they hide behind everything. They hide behind every religion, they hide behind every government, they hide behind education, they hide behind boardrooms - they hide. And they use words as spells (Nancy Pelosi is one of the best at casting word spells). But Toto (Trump?) has pulled back the curtain, and now we can see the pathetic old man pulling the levers. He is just starting to realize that he has been exposed. I don't think they have anything that can stop what is coming, because they never thought they would be caught - but, my God, they deserve some punishment. Great writing Brian, as always.