Whew! Nice breath of fresh air! I've often wondered why I feel so much more optimistic about the present and future than so many of my friends do. I think in many ways you've hit the nail on the head, Brian. Another factor is having a perspective that spans over 60 years of rather helplessly watching things continually deteriorate. There aren't too many of us PIA Hippie "conspiracy theorists" who refused to buy the official narrative around, but FINALLY our time has come!! Never did I think that so many people would suddenly start waking up to what was going on. Thank GOD!! Thanks, Brian!

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Thank you for pointing out what is blatantly obvious to you! I completely agree that watching repackaged fake news is sot only a back to the black pill, but it also allows‘journalists’ to escape the truly hard and dangerous work of digging and revealing more truths! I’ve always said Satan is extremely insidious in his corruption of mankind (for whatever time he’s allotted). Thank you for your honesty, humor and that lovely tenacity! God bless you, Brian!🙏

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Thanks Brian!

The article is spot on and the links are great!

Keep up the great work,

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hey Brian, I haven’t been following you and Jon for a few months. I understand what you are saying here, but these points have a lot of opinions with no specific verifiable information. If there is legitimate reason to be more optimistic, I for one would like the verifiable information. Too often our indie journalists give us speculation that ends up never proving to be more than that or they give us opinion. I need factual information. Otherwise it can be like either hopium or journos just putting down the other guy. Just facts is all we need. Thank you.

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