Why Honest People End Up Trying To Black Pill You
They Are Still Being Influenced By The Godless Shadow Cabal Behind The Fake News
One of the biggest questions that circulates around the Trump/MAGA/America First movement is the question of why some people can’t see any progress towards the movement’s goals and end up being depressed and then trying to spread that depression around to others.
The common term for what I’m describing here is ‘blackpilling’, which a bit of a humorous take on the “red pill vs blue pill” theme first introduced by the groundbreaking film “The Matrix”.
While some accounts on social media are just shit-posting trolls out to get a rise out of targets, I’ve discovered many of those blackpilling on the social media webs are real people who are incredibly discouraged, burned out and depressed by what they see as The Enemy’s Inexorable March To Victory.
I wrote this column back in December to point out that looking constantly to enemy propaganda to measure your progress towards your goals is an incredibly bad idea.
“I’ll believe we’re winning when the FAKE NEWS SHOWS ME THAT WE’RE WINNING!” is an example of a real confusion of thought.
A person who thinks this is telling themselves “I’ll believe my side in this Information War is winning when the enemy propaganda shows me that we’re winning!”
This shows a complete lack of understanding of what the enemy uses its propaganda for. They’ll NEVER show you any progress on our side if they can possibly help it.
And in our present situation we're in a world where there's a dedicated group of enemies determined to do their level best to hide from us what God is doing in the world. Every. Single. Day.
So the purpose of this column is to stress the point: that looking to God's Mortal Enemies to show us evidence of God moving in the world in this Great Awakening in the daily propaganda they create and send out ‘cross the fruited plain is a self-defeating mistake.
And people committing this self-defeating mistake are going to feel and think a whole lot better once they stop doing it.
Black Pillers end up telling me "I don't SEE it anywhere. I don't SEE this Great Awakening spreading over the world that we’re always talking about. Where is it?"
This is often followed by the claim that everybody who was going to wake up must have woken up by now, so we've lost.
This right here tells me this person - even though they often won't admit when I ask them - is looking to the SHADOW CABAL BIG BROTHER MATRIX MEDIA for signs we're winning.
If you're still getting your sense of what's happening in the world from either
1. The Fake News Media
2. Con Media Inc.
HELL YES you're not going to see any evidence of the Great Awakening spreading and advancing in the US and the rest of the world.
Because it's the FAKE NEWS' JOB to hide God & what He is doing from you, and Con Media Inc. is CRIBBING ITS NOTES from the Fake News Media, allowing it to dictate what it covers.
I’ve watched this phenomena for years, of Conservatives News Media Outlets letting the Fake News dictate to them the day’s news agenda.
Let me tell you why at my own expense, I went to Chandler AZ for the recent Badlands Media event, The Great American Restoration Tour.
Because I support and endorse and work with MAGA Conservative American First media outlets that pursue real news and do real research into issues and dig into stories with original thinking and coverage.
90% of Con Inc. Media is repeating the same stuff every single day, often following the Fake News Media's lead, letting Fake News editors set the direction of their coverage.
Over half of Con Inc. Media gets up every day and scans the NYT's, WaPo, CNN, The Daily Beast, whatever, to get their TALKING POINTS of the day. To get their outline of what their own news stories that day are going to be about.
Now, they may not THINK that's what they're doing, but they ARE.
Because what do they end up doing?
They end up creating a bunch of content with the theme of "Here's what FAKE NEWS has us all OUTRAGED about today!"
And don't think the people who run Fake News haven't notice this. They have. And they take full advantage of it.
While serious people employed by those Big Brother Corporate Fake News Media outlets get up every morning and go to six or even seven figure jobs where they spend all day trying to figure out how to do to two things:
1. Keep the sleeping asleep
2. Make the awake think they're losing
we have lazy people in Con Inc. Media taking all their DAILY NEWS COVERAGE TALKING POINTS from these VERY SAME PEOPLE.
Its beyond dumb. Which is why I could never work for such a Con. Inc. Media outlet.
In case you haven't figured out my point yet, allow me to make it explicitly:
It's not just FAKE NEWS that's relentlessly trying to black pill the members of this movement. A lot of the CON INC. MEDIA OUTLETS many people in this movement are enthusiastically reading and viewing for hours at a time every day are ALSO black-pilling them.
Their viewers can't see the Great Awakening or what God is doing in the world because Con Inc. Media is obsessed with Fake News coverage. It has developed a kind of myopic tunnel vision.
Fake News is created to keep the sleeping asleep and to blackpill the awake. Taking your daily cue from Fake News as to what you will focus on in your daily news coverage is a massive mistake. Fake News editors have actually started to craft their own daily talking points to be as inflammatory as possible because they know the Con Inc. Media editors are going to respond with outrage and spend the whole day posting their outrage stories: “Look, just LOOK at what the bastards said today!”
When people are not careful in discerning what kind of news media they are consuming, they think its 'safe' Con Inc Media, and that media has a business model of constantly looking to Fake News to drive its reporting with a constant never ending stream of outrage articles over what The Bad Guys are doing, what happens is the Constant Read/Outrage Reaction daily cycle will BURN YOU OUT over time.
You'll end up mentally exhausted but hey, at least Con Inc Media got all those important outrage clicks and views!
You don't win an information war by constantly obsessing over what THE BAD GUYS are doing or WHAT THE BAD GUYS JUST SAID ABOUT US!, laughing about how they just kicked our ass yet again, in an endless daily/weekly/monthly stream of outrageous outrage.
While there is a basic purpose in paying attention to what the enemy is doing, what's happened with a large segment of Con Inc. Media is they've stretched that into a massive exaggeration that leads to an unhealthy and pretty useless obsession where they stroke their reader's ego with constant streams of stories centered on the theme "We Conservatives/MAGA/AF folks must be really awesome because LOOK JUST **LOOK** AT WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ABOUT US NOW!!!"
Honest people end up black pilling because they've been misdirected and emotionally abused by media outlets they trusted. They got a steady, unending stream of what was really just repackaged Fake News with a small “Conservative Spin” thrown on top of it and rushed out the door. Sites that do that are run by lazy people who have found something that ‘works’ when it comes to generating ad revenue and clicks. They’re following a business model, and I don’t think its a healthy one unless all you’re focused on is the financial bottom line.
You need to find news outlets that are Conservative that are doing original reporting and presenting original research; not just scanning the Fake News that day and cherry-picking stuff to use for outrage clickbait.
Now for the good news: Many of the sites repackaging Fake News don’t really hide this. They’ll use a sensational headline to get you to click, and when you go to their website, if you bother to look, you will find out they have taken a story from NBC News, or The New York Times or CNN and simplistically reframed it with a few sentences tossed on top. They will link back to the original Fake News story, where you can see what the sourcing was.
And most of the time, the sourcing will be anonymous sources. So Fake News is doing what Fake News does, putting out stories based on whispers and rumors from ghosts hiding behind a curtain, and then Con Inc. Media takes that same Fake News story based on ghosts and adds a brief “Conservative blurb” to magically turn that Fake News into “Conservative News” and hits the ‘publish button’.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Hell of a business model, right? And look, it works. I’m not saying this model doesn’t work. It does. There will always be a segment of the population that goes for the sensational headlines and will click.
But a steady diet of Fake News, even cleverly repackaged “Conservative” Fake News is going to affect you. This is what I have notices in my social media conversations with honest black pillers. I don’t blame these people for ending up where they ended up mentally and emotionally. How could I? They mentally ‘ate’ a diet of garbage propaganda from The Enemy. You can’t do that for very long without it affecting you.
So have grace with the honest blackpillers out there. Many of them think they are daily consuming “safe” Conservative Media…that somehow never gets around to showing them which side is actually winning this Great Information War.
Websites that aren’t clickbaiting repackaged Fake News:
Citizen Free Press [note: this is a news aggregator, not a news rewriter/repackager]
Thanks for reading, and God bless you.
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Whew! Nice breath of fresh air! I've often wondered why I feel so much more optimistic about the present and future than so many of my friends do. I think in many ways you've hit the nail on the head, Brian. Another factor is having a perspective that spans over 60 years of rather helplessly watching things continually deteriorate. There aren't too many of us PIA Hippie "conspiracy theorists" who refused to buy the official narrative around, but FINALLY our time has come!! Never did I think that so many people would suddenly start waking up to what was going on. Thank GOD!! Thanks, Brian!
Thank you for pointing out what is blatantly obvious to you! I completely agree that watching repackaged fake news is sot only a back to the black pill, but it also allows‘journalists’ to escape the truly hard and dangerous work of digging and revealing more truths! I’ve always said Satan is extremely insidious in his corruption of mankind (for whatever time he’s allotted). Thank you for your honesty, humor and that lovely tenacity! God bless you, Brian!🙏