Liike Aliwister above, I too contemplate 2028. Q drops clearly mention there are plans prepared for the coming of 48.

God bless you Brian. NEVER regret supporting you here on Substack! Highly recommend any one reading this to do the same if in ya haven't already..

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On point as always----I’m becoming more interested in his successor, since I’m more than convinced his Agenda 47 promises, which from past experience will slice and dice the deeply imbedded state, most definitely will be kept. ....soooo, will the next slicer/dicer, non deep state affiliated(in any way, shape, or form) contestant please step up!!! God Bless!!!

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Not "if", Brian. WHEN! Our President is giving no hint to those with ears to hear that he is going to do anything but win in an historic landslide. If he occasionally says "if", it's to encourage those Normies not yet awake that he needs every one of their votes. I don't think he's throwing "150 million supporters" and "New York's in play" around lightly, knowing what he knows about the devastating information on the Globalist Deep State that will be hitting the public consciousness like a tsunami over the next 6 months...

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I have noticed the msm attempting to set the narrative in the less discerning minds that Trump will take revenge and become a ruthless dictator in his second term. Nice clowns, we ain't buying it... Not many here in May give a rat's ass about what msm touts. Wait till November and watch how even FEWER people take the msm clownshow seriously compared to May. This trend will continue!

I too like

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Thanks for the uplifting article and good reminders. Let 'er rip - though the Heavens fall!

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