‘In a 5th Generation Information War, the side that best understands how propaganda is being used against it while countering the enemy propaganda with the truth in a better story is going to win the fight.’ The truth must and will be revealed. We must have patience and faith that God would not have gifted so many just to fail. We must remember we have to be a steadying person in our communities and look at everything with calm discernment. This is how we help those around us as we move to the final chapter. God bless you Brian and thank you for the needed reminder.🙏
‘In a 5th Generation Information War, the side that best understands how propaganda is being used against it while countering the enemy propaganda with the truth in a better story is going to win the fight.’ The truth must and will be revealed. We must have patience and faith that God would not have gifted so many just to fail. We must remember we have to be a steadying person in our communities and look at everything with calm discernment. This is how we help those around us as we move to the final chapter. God bless you Brian and thank you for the needed reminder.🙏