I couldn't agree more with your brilliant analysis, Brian.

Although I believe Merchan must be very, very careful how he handles "sentencing phase" of this sham trial. At some point, the Appeals Court can signal to him they do not want to be a part of this "&*it show trial set-up, since it is almost certain that SCOTUS will become involved. There is plenty of politics played out in the court system, between the judges of different level of the appellate division.

Therefore, Merchan is skating on thin ice in reality.

I'm happy you explained the reality of changing the horse in midstream during a flood. It's far more than just saying, well fjb will no longer be the candidate, but slick hair guy is in...thanks very much for all your $$'s support. Please donate more, we need your help.

Stay Frosty.

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You ask, "what are they looking at" to think that the deep state is still in control? to me the answer is simple, not one single high profile bad guy, no one on Epstien's list, not Hillary, nor anyone else has been punished for what they've done to the Country. Not One. That's why.

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