Amen, well said Brian! To all those that said why didn’t Trump get rid of the swamp? Remember he was being cast a dictator, well now who is acting like a dictator?

He hired the wrong people!! i always tried to put myself of being hired into a industry where I knew no one. Who would I turn to and hire, now I know what he was doing, setting the table and putting things in place.

Look at all the 3 letter agencies we have learned about, all the “experts” we were blindly trusting.

Sunlight exposes all! Keep up the great work!

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Totally agree! And lest people forget, how much of a pittance did AMERICAN citizens in Hawaii get when their lives were decimated by fires...compared to the $$BILLIIONS$$ that have gone to Ukraine and now to the Middle East?? Oh, the pain! Hopefully we have had enough.

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Thoughts are things so here is a thing, GLLC GLOBALIST LITERALLY LOOTING CORPORATIONS goes with our corporate welfare system .

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