If Donald Trump Hadn't Had The 2020 Election Stolen From Him, Does The Great Awakening Still Happen?
Wouldn't Everything Be AWESOME in Trump's 7th Year In The White House?

You can't TELL PEOPLE that the Shadow Cabal that actually runs this country puts American citizens dead last, and that their real priorities are hidden from us UNTIL THEY ARE BRUTALLY REVEALED by events that overtake and derail their carefully-laid planning.
American citizens come last.
We literally do not matter in their calculations.
They are now being FORCED to show you this. And who has been FORCING them to show us this?
WE have been forcing them to show us this.
Because we woke up.
And we started asking all the questions these people can’t afford anyone learning the real answers to.
So we forced them to LIE TO US. Blatantly and overtly and with increasing desperation as they realized we weren’t buying what they were telling us.

Now the same globalist people that spent 4 years screaming that Donald Trump and his supporters were ‘racists’ for getting the southern border under control and building a partial wall are talking about building a wall themselves AFTER they stupidly threw that border WIDE OPEN for the last 3 years while they stridently lied to the rest of us about having done that.
Are you paying attention yet?
They LOOT OUR AMERCIAN RESOURCES AND OUR AMERICAN WEALTH using their UniParty goons put into power with fake elections and they send it all over the world for their pet projects. Their new Forever Wars which are just the same old money laundering bullshit.
This is the main reason Con Inc. is upset about Kevin McCarthy being ousted as House speaker. All those billions of our wealth and American treasure being sent to Ukraine is now in danger of being shut off.
They are ROBBING US. This is outright THEFT.
They are destroying our country and their puppets stand in front of us with frozen embarrassed smiles and shrug helplessly as they follow their orders.
This is not Left vs Right. Its not even R v D. Its American citizens vs hidden robber barons who are literally bleeding us dry.
You could not have told people how bad the corruption and how deep it goes back in 2017 or even 2020. Most would **not** have believed it. They had to be SHOWN how the world **really** is, not the illusion they were blinded with all their lives.
Truth can be HARD to swallow.
Some people still can’t accept the truth about 9/11. They’re not ready yet and if you keep trying force them to admit it was in inside job they’ll turn on you.
Many people who need to wake up can't take it if you try to force their eyes open too soon. They end up turning on you, fighting to protect the very system you are attempting to save them from.
So it had to be this way.
This was the only way that didn't lead to billions dying violently and the reign of eternal darkness forever and ever.
A Great Awakening that starts slow, oh so very slowly, and then builds up steam and becomes unstoppable. You can't mandate that people wake up.
You can't force it.
I know a lot of people don't like that, but there it is. Its true.
Your feelings about it are absolutely irrelevant.
You have to spend decades slowly, carefully positioning yourself and leaving nothing to chance as you prepare to try to cut all 9 heads off a Hydra at one stroke.
Because this Hydra has been in charge for hundreds of years, they have immense financial and intelligence clout and control over more than 2/3rds of the world. Or at least they did until 2017.
You fuck this up, you make a mistake, you commit an error, you only get 8 of the heads and not all 9, that Hydra will kill you and your entire family.
These people play for keeps, for the highest stakes. You do not open the ball on these cultists until you are 100% ready to move.
You believe they killed and injured and sterilized millions of people with the clot shots?
You're just scratching the surface.
You have no idea of the hundreds of millions of human beings this Shadow Cabal has sacrificed to their awful fake god over the past couple of hundred years. They are being exposed. And its being done slowly because it **has to be done slowly**.
Complaining about this being done slowly or about how its taking too long is useless because nothing can change it.
You only see less than half of what's really going on. Most of the fighting takes place beneath the surface. They are being forced into one reluctant admission after another over the past 3 1/2 years.
Much of what many people have come to realize about the true nature of the world, they NEVER SEE IT if Donald J. Trump had won that 2nd term in the White House.
Think about it.
If Trump wins in 2020, everything is still fantastic!

There's no Ukraine invasion, no $120 billion sent to that corrupt regime, plus no invasion at the US southern border, inflation stays low, US is energy independent, the economy is roaring. Biden doesn’t give Hamas and Iran hundreds of millions of dollars [if not billions], this latest Hamas offensive never happens…and millions would still be trapped living in an illusory world.
Pleasure doesn't rouse people from a deep sleep. But pain will. C.S. Lewis understood this.
“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” ― C.S. Lewis
I encourage all of you to stand fast and behold the mighty power of God sweeping over the world. In the end, God wins. He even wrote a book about it.
A Final Thought On The Use of the Word “Globalist”
I’ve been told the word ‘globalist’ doesn’t really mean anything, that it is devoid of any real content and so I should stop using it.
Here’s my reply to that request:
When we use the word 'globalists' to describe the people in US federal, state and local governments who are literally looting our own country and shipping all our wealth and resources overseas, its not some stupid catchphrase that doesn't mean anything.
We're telling you something important when we use it:
This government bureaucratic 'elite' class does not see itself as American citizens first. They will tell you they are 'citizens of the world'.
Why have they worked so hard to make the words "America First" or 'MAGA' into dirty words, like some kind of slur?
Its to give themselves rhetorical cover **while they literally work Americans to death to steal our resources and wealth so they can use it for evil and vile globalist agendas**.
Yeah, I know. 7 years ago this would've SOUNDED like a wild hairy assed conspiracy theory told at the family reunion by the crazy uncle that everybody ignores.
Who probably kinda looks like Ron Paul...
Their Fake News Media filter is faltering.
There are glitches in their Matrix these days.
And that's a beautiful thing.
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Amen, well said Brian! To all those that said why didn’t Trump get rid of the swamp? Remember he was being cast a dictator, well now who is acting like a dictator?
He hired the wrong people!! i always tried to put myself of being hired into a industry where I knew no one. Who would I turn to and hire, now I know what he was doing, setting the table and putting things in place.
Look at all the 3 letter agencies we have learned about, all the “experts” we were blindly trusting.
Sunlight exposes all! Keep up the great work!
Totally agree! And lest people forget, how much of a pittance did AMERICAN citizens in Hawaii get when their lives were decimated by fires...compared to the $$BILLIIONS$$ that have gone to Ukraine and now to the Middle East?? Oh, the pain! Hopefully we have had enough.