I am so glad to hear “trafficking” being called what it is… slave trade.

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Amen Brother! But that's ok! All the frozen assets will be contributed to the upcoming Sovereign Wealth Fund, just like was done in Saudi Arabia!

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Wonderful! Finally exposing another (in a very long line of targets) area of attack against us. Religion that does not focus upon Christ and God’s word is not ‘good’ as we know the evil one is extremely insidious and has diverted our worship from God to himself. How do we know? You’ve just described one of the proofs.

God bless you, Brian!🙏

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There's a damn good reason why I follow Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis. Religion should be the next red-pill and once you know who the players are; your paradigm gets rocked.

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I don’t have one ounce of respect for organized religion but the FACT that they’re slavers sealed the deal.

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