Dear Religious Slave Traders: Your New Slave Class Is Going To Be Sent Back
And Then We're Coming After YOU And Your Ill-Gotten Assets
All the religious NGO's out there who were being paid MASSIVE sums of OUR TAX DOLLARS to facilitate this mass migration of a new SLAVE CLASS into our borders:
"You don't understaaaaaaaaaand! You can't cut us off like this! We still have thousands more migrants coming that need our help! And...and what about the MILLIONS of migrants we already brought in here? What about them?! DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THEM?!"
Why, sure I do, Mr./Mrs. Modern Slave Trader Wearing A Collar. I care about these people very much. WHICH IS WHY WE'RE SENDING THEM ALL BACK.
Understand what these religious ghouls have been doing, won't you? Those you are taught to trust as the greatest humanitarians turn out to be modern day human/child/sex traffickers. Modern day slave traders.
It's shocking, I know. It shocked me too, at first when I started digging into this a few years ago. I'm a Christian. It was stunning to me to find out how many religious leaders will eagerly facilitate what is literally a modern day mass migration of a new permanent slave class into the United States...for a handsome paycheck.
Now a lot of people are really hung up on the VOTING FRAUD THING. As if just about the only thing these millions of new slaves are being brought in to do is show up very 2/4 years and vote for Democrats.
Oh man, are YOU missing the big picture here if you think this is mostly about VOTES.
This is about REPLACING YOU. Lift up your eyes to the horizon and focus on what matters.
We are an exceedingly sick nation with a reproduction rate that is well below replacement level. Our overlords have deliberately facilitated the mass migration of millions of incredibly fertile 3rd worlders so that in 50-60 this new permanent slave class will have replaced native Americans.
These new slaves weren't going to be staying in $6,000/month hotels for very long. What are you , stupid? How do you make the big $$$ off of your new slave class with overhead like that?
No, once everything was ready, all these new permanent slaves in the new imported slave class were going to be moved into quickly developed slums thrown together to receive them. Where they would spend the rest of their lives in debt to the store and working for their very low slave wages.
Stop falling for rhetorical tricks used on you to keep you angry at the new slave class being brought in here to be used, manipulated and exploited. Just as these same people behind this have been using, manipulating and exploiting YOU.
Illegal vs migrant vs undocumented worker vs....ah FUCK THAT. Stop falling for that trick.
They want us DIVIDED between 'legal' and 'illegal'. Between native American and imported slave.
You're supposed to HATE the new slave class.
Don't hate them.
Recognize then as VICTIMS of the same CIA/MIC/ICS Machine that's been FUCKING WITH YOU for your entire life.
A lot of false promises were made to these new slaves to convince them to leave their homes and come here to get exploited, trafficked and not just for sex or cheap labor. They're victims too.
As we are seeing in the USAID Files, a lot of these religious NGO's used our tax dollars to help establish what is a new slave trade here in America. A lot of these slave victims believed the religious rhetoric that was used to convince them to come here. A lot of them did not really understand what an awful future was waiting for them as the new designated slave class.
Now, we all knew for years that religious orgs were involved in this massive mass migration. But a lot of people were ASSUMING these Catholic and Lutheran and other church-affiliated groups were using their own donated money for this activity.
The USAID Files have demonstrated that a staggering amount of US tax dollars were flowing from USAID to these religious NGO's, and now autists and 19 year old kids are digging into the publicly available information about these religious NGO's and discovering just now LUCRATIVE importing this new slave class into America has been for these groups. You have board members with six and seven figure salaries all accrued within just the past few years.
The idea of holier-than-thou religious fat cats literally facilitating a modern day slave trade with our US tax dollars and laughing all the way to the bank OFFENDS ME to the marrow of my bones.
These religious NGO's were making all this bank on the slave trade and this was carefully kept out of sight from the American public who was PAYING FOR IT ALL.
If I was on the board at one of these big religious NGO's take in all of these millions of tax dollars from USAID to play a KEY ROLE in facilitating the importation of a new slave caste into America, I would be really really NERVOUS about my assets being frozen right now.
See...human trafficking and all the crimes that accompany it are ILLEGAL and are crimes against humanity.
So if you're one of these religious fat cats that blew up in size over the past few years sucking at the tit of the American taxpayer as you profited from an illegal and abhorrent slave trade, and you're not worried about having your ill-gotten assets frozen and then maybe seized, here's a clue for you:
Because once we patriotic Americans are done sending all of your new slave class back home where they belong, we're coming after YOU.
Have a nice fucking day.
Love and kisses,
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I am so glad to hear “trafficking” being called what it is… slave trade.
Amen Brother! But that's ok! All the frozen assets will be contributed to the upcoming Sovereign Wealth Fund, just like was done in Saudi Arabia!