YouTube Movie Reviewer Exposes How Marxists Attack American Culture Through Movies - And Everything Else They Control
The Critical Drinker Does A Masterclass Series of Videos Explaining HOW They've Done This And More Importantly, WHY They Are Doing It
One of my favorite things to do in my downtime when I’m relaxing is to scan YouTube for content that is entertaining, educational, insightful and provocative.
Its rare that you encounter a YouTube content creator that checks all four of those boxes simultaneously and consistently. But The Critical Drinker’s [TCD] movie review/social commentary videos manages to do this with every entry, which demonstrates the level of thought and insight that he puts into his work.
About two years ago, The Critical Drinker began a series on his YouTube channel with the opening title “Why Modern Movies Suck”. At the time he probably didn’t know it, but he was embarking on a video tour de force that would result in a masterclass of exposition dealing with an important subject in our currently ongoing culture war: how American movie making has been corrupted by the constant injection of relentless political ideology promoted by fanatics.
Someone perceptive once defined a fanatic as: “Someone who can’t change their mind and won’t change the subject.”
Commie Marxist Scum are fanatics. And they see literally **everything** only as a way to communicate and hammer home their one obsession.
While watching his video series and several other of his offerings where he goes into why modern day movies seem to be purposefully destroying American values, I realized what TCD was doing. He was expertly pointing out that none of this activity where the major entertainment corporations spend vast sums to acquire popular franchises with built-in audiences only to then change everything for the worse is an unfortunate accident. This was all being done deliberately. As part of a conscious agenda.
Naturally, on its first proposal, this idea can strike many as being absurd.
After all, wouldn’t it be counter to the movie studio’s own interests to pay big money for the rights to big successful franchises or IPs with large built-in fanbases…only to deliberately sabotage all the fanbases expectations by savagely rewriting everything, upending all the themes and the lore that attracted the fans to the property in the first place cause these studios to be harming their own investment?
But The Critical Drinker artfully and entertainingly explains that this kind of subversive activity would only be counterproductive if the movie studio execs were acquiring these IPs & franchises solely to make money. What if it turns out propagandizing the public with Marxist woke political ideology is MORE IMPORTANT to these studio executives than their financial bottom line?
As everyone has been learning to their chagrin over the past few years, many of the big corporations have become hotbeds of what Elon Musk has taken to referring to as ‘The Woke Mind Virus’. This is certainly true of many of the big entertainment corporations.
Should anyone think it could be that I exaggerate The Critical Drinker’s ability to lead the viewer into a captivating train of deep and perceptive thought as he explores movie themes, they should view this short 7 1/2 minute tour de force in which he explains a deep philosophical concept of great importance: Why The Past Matters.
Those out to shape a transformed American society where a docile population will own nothing and be happy while eating all ze bugs and do what we’re told by their authoritarian masters already understand quite well why The Past Matters.
Orwell understood this well, as it is a major theme of his novel, ‘1984’. Erasing the past doesn’t just involve rewriting the history books or tearing down statues. A big part of erasing the past requires getting control of a culture’s story-telling apparatus and subverting it to where its merely another organ for injecting Big Brother propaganda into the national consciousness.
And for that Big Brother propaganda to work, all other competing messages and philosophies have to be erased from view, else the population will be presented with various competing ideologies, and they might choose the wrong one, the one not endorsed by The Party, and my goodness, that just won’t do.
So as you can see from his “Why The Past Matters”, this TCD guy is GOOD at what he does. Very, very good.
Here is a video he made 3 years ago when he noticed his viewer count on YouTube was starting to grow.
The Critical Drinker Explains What His Channel Is All About:
Now I know it sounds weird, that a successful author in the United Kingdom who has adopted the online persona of drunken, often-intoxicated bloke, has over the past 3 years put together a university-level video course of how political activists disguised as entertainment executives at big media corporations have been successfully DECULTURIZING the world.
But watch the videos and you’ll see I’m right.
Without further ado, here’s your homework assignment. To watch all the videos linked below. And to THINK about what you see and hear as you watch them.
This will take you some time to do, I know. You won’t be able to watch them all in one afternoon or even a weekend. But knowledge is power, and power only comes to those who invest their time in it.
Language Warning Alert: TCD likes the f word a lot. If hearing frequent f-bombs will send you to your fainting couch, best not click the links. Or at least make sure no small children are within earshot.
Why Modern Movies Suck - Setup And Payoff
Why Modern Movies Suck - They’re Written By Children
Why Modern Movies Suck - They’re [Deliberately] Destroying Our Heroes
Why Modern Movies Suck - The Soft Reboot
Why Modern Movies Suck - They Teach Us Awful Lessons
Why Modern Movies Suck - Modern Actors
Why Modern Movies Suck - CGI Overload
Why Modern Movies Suck - They Hate Their Own Fans
Why Modern Movies Suck - The Myth Of The ‘Modern Audience’
Why Modern Movies Suck - They Hate Men (Part 1)
The litany of cherished franchises that have been deliberately subverted and essentially deconstructed over the past decade or so is ever-growing. For the purpose of this column, I’m going to stick with The Big One, Star Wars.
Even though TCD has very perceptive video entries on such franchises as The Rings of Power [Lord of the Rings], Game of Thrones, James Bond, Star Trek, The Witcher, and many others.
The Quite Deliberate Marxist Deconstruction of Star Wars
Star Wars was only the most successful movie franchise ever. So of course the Marxists just had to get their hands on it and thoroughly ruin it.
You may have noticed the last Star Wars trilogy deliberately deconstructed the original first trilogy [A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi].
The person put in charge of the Star Wars franchise by Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, didn’t exactly make it much of a secret that she had some real plans about remaking Star Wars for ‘modern audiences’.
After having already signed on to appear again at long last as the beloved Luke Skywalker in ‘The Last Jedi’, look at Mark Hamill’s face as he begins learning live, on camera, during a press conference, for the very first time, what director/screenwriter Rian Johnson and producer Kathleen Kennedy have planned for him and Luke Skywalker.
[Video linked below is cued to begin 12 minutes in, during the live press conference where Mark Hamill clearly received the shock of his life.]
TCD’s video entries discussing the brutal deconstruction of the much beloved Star Wars franchise:
The Last Jedi, and the Assassination of Luke Skywalker
The Genius of The Last Jedi - Part 1
The Genius of The Last Jedi - Part 2
The Rise of Skywalker, and the Fall of Star Wars (Part 1)
The Rise of Skywalker, and the Fall of Star Wars (Part 2)
Shocking News - People Like Good Characters
Admiral Holdo - A Toxic Leader
Note this was the perfect follow up to the “People Like Good Characters” video above.
What Happened To Our Villains?
Star Wars: How To Alienate A Fanbase
In a completely unsurprising fashion, here is what Disney’s deliberate deconstruction of its very expensive Star Wars franchise led to:
Oh No! Disney Star Wars Is In Trouble!
And because Kathleen Kennedy’s apparently not finished destroying Star Wars quite yet:
Star Wars Is A Dead Franchise
Disney - An Empire In Collapse
One of the biggest propaganda narratives the Commie Marxist Scum have deployed to deflect pushback from the hundreds of millions of fans of all these franchises as they went about deconstructing and destroying them is that of ‘toxic fandom’. Of course, TCD noted this strategy, and ha ha, deconstructed it.
The Truth About “Toxic Fandoms”
Hollywood vs Fans - Everybody Loses
Now that you’ve been brought up to date on the HOW the Commie Marxist Scum are destroying cherished franchises that are key parts of American culture, let’s dig into the WHY. Why are they just so goddamned DETERMINED to do this?
The Marxists Are Nearing The End of a Decades Long March Through Our Institutions to Deculturize America
WHY was it ever so important for the Commie Marxist Scum to take over not just the movie industry, but EVERY SINGLE CULTURAL MEDIUM FOR STORY-TELLING?
TV? Music? Video games? Fiction books? Sports? Theater and the performing arts?
The answer is as simple as it is shocking.
Of course, the Commie Marxist Scum is not going to admit this to anyone. They will burble and coo that they are in fact replacing the ‘backwards’ ‘transphobic’ ‘misogynistic’ ‘violent’ ‘colonial’ ‘sick’ American culture with a far ‘better’ culture.
And when you come to look into this Brave New World culture that the Commie Marxist Scum want to replace American culture with, what is it that you shall discover about it?
That’s its incoherent?
That it has no logic to it?
That the philosophical framework of this supposedly ‘better’ culture is not only unsound, it collapses under the weight of its own absurdities?
All very true.
And listen: NOBODY knows that better than the Commie Marxist Scum themselves.
Because their real goal has always been to collapse American culture in order to make it far easier to keep the American people captive to the illusions they cast via the media they control.
Understand: we are dealing with a Shadow Cabal who is deliberately trying to deculturize our nation.
Deculturalization is a real military tactic. Its been used by conquerors for centuries. A nation is more easily led into slavery, and finds it much more difficult to throw off the chains of its masters, if its been successfully deculturized.
Just ask the American Indian tribes. Or the Israelites, when they were transplanted to Babylon by their conquerors, and when they were allowed to go home again after 7 decades of captivity, they found a bunch of strangers had been moved in while they were gone. Those strangers were people also rooted up by the Babylonians and dropped into a different country. They later became the Samaritans.
Thanks to modern communications mediums, very bad people soon realized you don’t even need to militarily conquer a nation and resettle the people elsewhere to keep them in bondage. All you really need to do is infiltrate them from within, seize control of their cultural communications and then brainwash them with endless propaganda.
So there is a very real and important reason that the Commie Marxist Scum have spent decades carefully positioning themselves into positions of cultural significance and influence.
And it must be noted Americans are far from the only people these Commie Marxist Scum have targeted for deliberate deculturization. Dozens of other countries are also on the agenda to be deculturized and then assimilated into The Globalist Borg. The United Kingdom. France. Germany. Italy. Spain. Brazil. India. The list is long.
You Must Fight For Your Culture And Stop Surrendering It Like A Coward
The time has come to start fighting these bastards in the information war trenches. Fight them for control of your own culture. After all, its your American culture, not theirs.
For too long Conservatives have listened to the siren song of cultural abandonment; “they don’t want you there, so get out!” But you do not win a culture war by abandoning the battlefield. That’s called ‘surrender’. And its exactly what the Commie Marxist Scum want you to do. They love it when you retreat into your own little Conservative Ghetto and stay out of their way.
Take American Sports culture, for instance. How many Conservatives/America First/MAGA social media accounts do you see bragging, whenever the subject of sports comes up, about how they’ve abandoned American sports to the Marxists that wanted control of it? As if this is something to BE PROUD OF?
So you no longer watch/support/pay attention to: The NFL, the NBA, MLB, NHL, etc. etc.? Great. THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THE MARXISTS WANTED YOU TO DO. Hand them total uncontested control of American sports.
You mean to tell me you thought you WON something when you did that?
You better go look again. You didn’t WIN a damn thing. You handed a vital part of American culture to the enemy. Get up off your ass and go take it back. NOW.
And you had better just take a minute and look again at all the ‘Conservative Authority Figures’ who taught you over and over and over again the past couple of decades that RETREATING FROM THE AMERICAN CULTURAL BATTLEFIELD WAS THE RIGHT THING FOR YOU TO DO.
The Conservative ‘thought leaders’ who constantly counseled us that was never the hill to fight on, lets just let them have it, for God’s sake, and keep moving backwards.
The Conservative magazine writers and talking heads on your TV who were always telling you were just awesome and being smart and shit WHILE YOU WERE IN FULL RETREAT.
People have been conditioned by decades of consuming sometimes very clever and surreptitiously presented propaganda not to think for themselves but to instead seek out approved authority figures to tell them what to think about things.
The biggest part of The Great Awakening, to me the most important part, is teaching people to think for themselves. To stand on their own two feet as citizens and take their country & heritage back from the Commie Marxist Scum.
Its slow going. But worth it.
Trading a Fake News / Big Gov't Authority Figure who's been lying to you for your whole life for a Conservative Authority Figure who is constantly telling you how awesome you are while you are abandoning the cultural battlefield is still missing the mark.
Its still not standing up and becoming a full citizen.
Make the time to think and dig and look into things yourself.
The American patriots who threw off the British Empire were alert and educating themselves while running farms.
You think YOU don't have the time?
They found the time.
So can you.
Our American Revolution ancestors would have laughed in the face of any authority figure counseling them that retreat in the face of the enemy was the best course of action. They’d have fought for their culture. They understood the value of it. When the choice was freedom or accepting slavery, they made their choice.
If you want to take your American culture back from the Commie Marxist Scum that are trying to destroy it, you will have to find the time.
Will you?
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OK. You just blew up my thinking. I expect that’s a good thing! My husband and I watched the Star Wars movies with my brother and family; it’s been a New Year’s tradition for years. We noticed immediately the massive difference between the concise goals in the original trilogy with heroes! The latter few. No heroes. Period. You don’t conclude that the good guys were supreme and conquered the bad guys. Disappointing. Now, I will have to find time (& probably alcohol) to watch his conclusions. God bless you for the wonderful gift God gave you: tenacity + a very intelligent mind!!🙏
Yes. Like some parasites hollow out their host, turning it into a gruesome husk of its former self - doing the bidding of its alien invader - we face the same. Thank God for Rednecks and other authentic people. Real Americans are too stubborn to change, and have been purposely marginalized my the Marxists. Hilariously, that only hardens the resolve of the proud patriot. We have this.