Right on the Money Brian. Sussman’s Case is simple. His Professional Life is over. If he does Federal Time, his Sentence/Time Served will never benefit him. DNC, HFA none of these groups or people care at all about Sussman. I agree w/you that a change in Plea would be wise. I also believe he could easily take himself out and end the Trial.
Brian - it seems the obvious out for these clowns is to have Sussman plead guilty with an understanding from Biden that he will get a pardon or commutation within six months or a year. That pushes the news beyond the mid-terms and removes any negative publicity.
Evidently they are not taking this route. I wonder why?
Sussmann could end up like Seth Rich .
Let’s say Sussman gets pardoned. Until then, he HAS to either cough up the details or go to trial. Plea deals aren’t made without the sauce
Oh well. No deals then.
Thank You Brian. God's Speed 🙏
Right on the Money Brian. Sussman’s Case is simple. His Professional Life is over. If he does Federal Time, his Sentence/Time Served will never benefit him. DNC, HFA none of these groups or people care at all about Sussman. I agree w/you that a change in Plea would be wise. I also believe he could easily take himself out and end the Trial.
Brian - it seems the obvious out for these clowns is to have Sussman plead guilty with an understanding from Biden that he will get a pardon or commutation within six months or a year. That pushes the news beyond the mid-terms and removes any negative publicity.
Evidently they are not taking this route. I wonder why?