I’ve used cold pressed olive oil for years, typically cook ‘from scratch’ and work in the yard/garden in the south. Yes, it’s hot and I’m out there for hours. I don’t get burned, either….just more and more tanned. Glad you’re doing well, Brian, as I am addicted to your clear assessment of events! Congratulations and God bless you!🙏

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Great info, Brian!!! Following your journey, I've also deleted seed oils, though I'm not following your diet.. Easy for me, as I've ALWAYS been a butter lover! I had not noticed the change in my sunburning/tanning process, but I can certainly add on to your experiment with my pale-ish and freckled tissue still not burnt or even pinkish this last month since our rainy season stopped and we have non-stop sunshine here in NoCal. Congratulations on your successful journey to greater health, Brian! Good luck!

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Huh. I wonder if it works on "fair skinned" people like me? I've been avoiding seed oil, and I don't seem to burn like I used to - but I don't push it.

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15 min was tops for me. I've had 3rd degree burns from the sun. I've been doing the Keto diet for about 5 months, changed all oils to olive oil, butter, and lard, but I haven't pushed the time in the sun. I will have to see if this works for me.

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Gotta say, While I liked the idea of the article, painting sun burns on seed oils is a bit of a stretch.

I've been Keto for over two years now, so I'm a fan of everything you're doing. That being said, with all the major improvements in your health/lifestyle, the sunburning deficit could be due to 1 or several of at least 5 major changes your system has undergone.

Let's see, Ketosis makes your body more efficient, reduces inflammation (no carbs), increases metabolism (burning fat instead of glycogen), and is the stepping stone to what? Autophagy.

You've done OMAD (OneMealADay) which is by definition 24 hour fasting. At possibly 17 hours you hit that, and that increases your Growth Hormone exponentially. This is responsible for eliminating bad cells, healing and regrowth of new cells. Also, since you ended the between meal snacking, your insulin sensitivity went up, which means you do more with less. And since insulin causes inflammation your body can spend more time healing other cells (like damaged-from-the-sun skin cells, for instance)

And let's not forget you Carnivore diet (which sounds awesome BTW). All those proteins/Iron and other good metals from the nice non-hormone infused red meat has gotta do wonders on growing/repairing cells as well.

Finally, you've eliminated seed oils. Kind of the (stevia) icing on the almond-flour cake, if you will.

Less toxins. Eliminated alcohol, even fewer toxins. Something in this list must also have done something to your melanin (melatonin? you get the idea) production to make it more efficient.

Did you also eliminate Flouride? Start drinking from copper cups (does wonder for the body's electrical system) Some folks say stop wearing sun glasses so your body (eyes) can detect the increase in solar radiation and auto adjust to absorb it. Perhaps all that toxic crap (Corn Syrup, Sugar, bleached flower, seed oils, red dye #999, aspartame, saccharin, caramel coloring, bug parts, "artificial flavors") have simply made your body *allergic* to the sun, and your detox broke their planned allergy?

What you've accomplished is making your body more efficient. And it's great, but how can you say after all the major changes you've created that it was the seed oils? It's like saying a race car goes fast because of the premium gasoline and ignoring the wheels, injectors, aerodynamics, suspension, etc.

I *love* the idea that seed oils are the cause of all these ills, but it's hard to prove because anyone that's eliminated seed oils also did a lot of the other stuff you're in the middle of.

Did you know that people in Ketosis can hold their breath a LOT longer than those who aren't?

Anyway, even though I disagree with this one tiny point, I know that *something* you've done got rid of your sunburns. I just wish I knew exactly what it was.

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Here’s the facts about essential fatty acids and skin health in a lot more detail. Omega 6 series fatty acids are essential. Cutting them out entirely isn’t healthy. Nutrition is a very nuanced subject. The devil is in the details.


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