Yes, indeed! This truly IS the election that matters and if the remaining people can’t wake up now, then we can expect things will be revealed of such a magnitude that it forces them to. In fact, we can foresee that Trump will win this election and then the cabal will pull all the stops out to prevent him taking office. God’s hand is over the world and in spite of the evil one’s machinations, we know Who wins. Thank you for the reminder of what is at stake. God bless you, Brian.🙏

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Agreed. Although anyone thinking that Dementia Joe, who can't find his way off a stage and shakes hands with air, has anything to say about anything is an non-sentient as he is. Highly doubt that he'll be the Marxist Dem candidate come November. The only reason he could be is because the Globalist Deep State comes to the realization that the MAGA Patriots have truly made it Too Big To Rig no matter who they run so their only alternative will be to try to disrupt the election or try to stage yet another coup.

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The only thing Joe does well ( as he always has) is lie and screw things up. The perfect example of ignorance & arrogance.

PS and by the way, it’s time the MSM & DS learn for their own good that Trump is excellent at what he does. The two great things he did as president: 1) goud the deep state out of the shadows so we could see their true intentions and evil plans and 2) fixed lots of problems ( showing how simple the solutions were and leaving one to conclude, “ oh, that’s because they never wanted to fix our problems!”) And also was a great leader and diplomat!!!

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Well said!

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Kennedy likewise wants to de-escalate tensions with Russia and he won’t be distracted by vindictive self-aggrandizement.

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Well Kennedy has 0% chance of being the next President, Trump had the job already and did a pretty good job calming things down despite 'vindictive self-aggrandizement', so there's that.

I wouldn't call Trump taking down the Deep State that's been trying REALLY HARD to destroy him using all kinds of vicious, underhanded means "vindictive self-aggrandizement', but you do you.

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You are so right Brian! Anyone voting for Kennedy is voting for OBiden. But as you so wisely said “you do you.”

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