Oh, Yes, Brian….totally terrified of the majority. Your comment says it all, “Until Trump showed up and became the face of our movement, and they were forced to start TELLING US what they **really** thought about us. The shock of their being trolled into doing that cannot be underestimated during this currently ongoing Great Awakening.” Trump’s the catalyst and we’re the wave…..The big red wave is not for the uniparty members…..but it will take them down! God bless you. Thanks!!🙏

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Hey Brian! Thanks for keeping track of the Con Inc. media so we don't have to! I confess to being totally sucked into the "Con" including all of those you mentioned right up until they started talking down Our Future President, many of them on Bret Baer's All Star Panel that I watched religiously. They all made perfect sense of their conservative illusion right up until they didn't. Keep up the great work!

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Most excellent!!!!!!!!!!

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