Once again, Brian, you’ve used that great brain for digging into facts and your tenacity with the nuances that connect the dots and expose the machinations and underlying goals of the globalist cabal puppets as they are...not as we have been told they are and that is a very good thing! You’ve done so much to help people awaken to the true evil planned for mankind; plus, you’ve a wonderful sense of humor at just the right time! I can always clearly imagine what the cabal looks like as you remind us of Trump’s (& team) exposure to the men behind the curtain! I’m reminded again that our political class, including Obama and Hillary, are only puppets to the real powers that be! 😂. God bless you, Brian, and thank you!!🙏

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As always Brian,I enjoyed every bit of this article. I've been following you since early 2017 and you still bring the goods! Looking foward to the next! DBerg64

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This all reminds me of the interesting contrast between what's happening in the world today vs. what happened during Trump's administration. https://www.tiktok.com/@enthrallingvideotv/video/7292877819401587998?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7202499608940660267

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Captain Grammarpants called. Said your "...updating of the military’s of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman had enormous immediate consequences" [sic] improperly uses an apostrophe where its only proper justification would be denoting "military is" or possession by the military. You meant "militaries," the ordinary plural of "military." A professional writer can afford his brief encounter with aids like Grammarly online, no?

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