On Morning Joe; Meacham: 'Definition of Treason' if Trump Knew of Russian Efforts to Interfere https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/12/18/meacham-definition-of-treason-if-trump-knew-of-russian-interfering/

Historians should know something about history, shouldn't they?

Treason? Yep, according to the above from Meacham.

How about if Obama knew of Hillary's interference and participated?

Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation


Lest We Forget: Obama and Biden sat in that August 3, 2016 Situation Room briefing and said, yeah, let's let the highest officials in our administration fabricate evidence to frame the opposing party candidate, Donald Trump.

Pure treason.


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Brian, you’ve just beautifully described the failure of the ‘meeting of the minds’!! We are so thankful for your dedicated coverage of the failures! Sucks to be them, doesn’t it?

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