A couple things Brian… you left out the threat of arrest if he shared the Pcaps. If Lindel shared the pcaps with people he would’ve been arrested by one of the Fed Gestapo gangs.

Also, why put this kind of pressure on Lindell? Or rather, why put it into the minds of your audience that there should be pressure on Lindell? I’ve been following you for a while, and a day does not go by that you havent reminded your audience that these things take time and that we are indeed winning. So, why the pressure?

I disagree that Lindel needs to put out the goods. I think the time is coming soon, this lawsuit in Pennsylvania will create the opportunity. But there’s no pressure to share today.

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This is all about Mary Fanning and Dennis Montgomery. They are charlatans and Mike Lindell was misled by them.

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Is this article a prediction of future sentiment of the Trump community? That's a tough bet to make, why even try to predict something like that?

This article also assumes that now is the right time to release evidence. Another tricky endeavor. Exactly what qualifies for the reason for Mike to play all of his cards right now?

Keep the spotlight on Lindell. He's not bluffing.

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How many times can mike move the goalposts and still have people believe him?

Infinite. All he has to do is wave his Bible around, scream China, poop out some fake numbers in line with peoples confirmation bias, promise it will be revealed in his NEXT VIDEO [for real this time, pinky promise], dangle another carrot and boom: 9-0 (right?)

#BuyMoreTowelsToGetToTheSupremeCourt 🤦

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Spoiler Alert: The whole Colorado Dominion Mesa County story that got launched at the symposium by super sophisticated computer hacker / Philippines pig farmer CodeMonkeyZ was the same group that's misled Lindell up to this point launching their next disinformation campaign.

Mike Lindell is an American hero, but he's being setup. It's sick what they're doing to a man that's helped so many.

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There's no reason to hype it if he's withholding it as evidence for some future litigation. He should just smile a lot until that day.

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