Brian, nobody can ever accuse you of beating around the bush so to speak, hahahaha...

Thank you for getting to the heart of it all! I'm reading out loud where my wonderful but normie husband can hear, and then saying to him....I Told You So...and that feels good...

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I love your ability to bring the pieces together. Great job as always. Merry Christmas 🎄 ✝️💗🎇

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Yes there will be Anger. There will be also the other 4 stages of Grieving as their old beliefs "die". (In no particular order): Denial, Depression, Bargaining and Acceptance. So it may not go straight to Anger for all normies.

For those of us who took the red pill early, we had years to digest the horror and evil. And it was still hard for many.

For the normies who get this red pill it will be a fast process and traumatic. I encourage love and support as they go through this massive wake up.

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The Denial phase will be lengthy and the Depression that follows equally so. Bargaining might be skipped right over and go to Angry Acceptance. For many (those still wearing masks outside and while driving) Denial will never end.

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This revelation can't come a minute too soon. The normies in my life really have no clue as to what's going to come out.

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Connecting the dots is certainly your purview, you are a master at it! Thank you Brian!

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Keep up the great campaign of truth and inspiration. This article is worth the yearly subscription all by itself.

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I am hoping Americans are not so brainwashed that they in fact will be massively angered and motivated to correct everything and get our republic and freedoms back. Nuremberg 2.0 is what will tell me whether or not we have what it takes to address this...along with getting our elections run honestly.

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...And, so it begins. It can't come fast enough. So glad to get this party started, although I don't believe balloons and party hats will be on display.

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