Good writeup, Brian. Putting Dementia Joe out there to get eaten alive by Our President had to be intentional on Barry's part. Barry might be a traitor but he's not dumb and certainly not dumb enough to go into an election with a candidate in single digits. It would seem that they need for Dementia to hang in there until after their faux Convention to avoid an all out rumble between Billary, Newscum, and whoever else feels like getting slaughtered in November. Then Dementia would either have to resign or somehow try to hang in there until January, although like you point out, how could he be allowed to get away with that after this disaster? That also brings up the question of him being too decrepit to be charged with a crime of which he is guilty, but not too decrepit to pretend to be running a country? Anyhow, 25th Amendment? An addition to the infamous Clinton Hit List? We shall see...

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Im watching with bated breath.

We have so much to blame the media and the DNC for, not the least of which being international relations leading us straight into wars. Internally and abroad. Our men and women in uniform being threatened with life or death, because of these ghouls. Their lies, and deceit and frankly pure stupidity has risked our entire country. May their “sandwich” come with a side of scalding hot ridicule soup.

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It WAS entertaining, although I'm concerned. I had no idea so many people, as the President said, were "being raped by their in-laws". That sounds serious.

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