It would be interesting to know how many people continue with the carnivore diet after 6 months. Likely not many. https://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/a24488031/carnivore-diet-results/. Jim Arrington used to eat like this in the early days of bodybuilding but gave it up due to the disadvantages. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/7/worlds-oldest-bodybuilder-still-going-strong-at-90-years-old-755638

Carnivore certainly does work for losing weight. It does this by increasing the level of cortisol. The weight loss is not only from fat loss, but also from skeletal muscle loss and water loss. Metabolizing the protein in meat, which has a high content of sulfur containing amino acids lowers blood pH. The acid is buffered by the bones releasing calcium. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/03/17/exogenous-ketones.aspx

So a common outcome of long term carnivore is weak muscle and bone. Because muscle is metabolically active, its loss makes it easier to gain weight in the future. Not to mention the insulin resistance it can cause.


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Ah, I know he does as he's responded to me recently. I strongly suspect selective attention.

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If you don't respond to legitimate criticism of your carnivore diet speculations/wishful thinking, how is this here offering anything other than pure propaganda? You accuse vegan proponents as 'propagandists' - but don't provide a single example, so your claim is not falsifiable is it? It is propaganda itself. In good faith I responded to your previous two offerings on this subject, I gave falsifiable examples, and asked legitimate questions of your position - and you have nothing. I am not a propagandist, I am interested in truth, and truth alone. If I am wrong, I would rather find out now, rather than later. Thus far I suggest you stick to politics - you are far better at that.

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Way to go, Brian!!👏👏

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