Sussman just might change his plea as you predicted over this news about Joffe. He may have figured out he’d been used.

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Seems normal for that crowd to be used, abused and left for dead.

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Good grief. I am no fan of the Bush's but I am seeing some Bush Derangement Syndrome is this post and others. Do I think the Bush's wanted Trump investigated and brought down? Yes. Do I think they coordinated and choreographed all of this from the beginning? No. Was there possibly coordination between the Clinton/Obama/Bush camps to push the Russia collusion narrative and investigation? Absolutely.

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You sound a little frantic. What's up?

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Excellent Brian. Anxious for more.

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As always, excellent overview of the whole Joffe deal! Was trying to understand it from many posts but Cates always makes it understandable! Thank you

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Thank you Brian! What a key you are to us understanding the truth. God bless you 🕊

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Brian. Did you hear about 3 of the jurors on the Grand Jury.?? 2 of them are Clinton Donors and 1 is an AOC donor. Is this a conflict of interest.? Durham objected but the judge is allowing it.? Any thoughts on this.?

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It was the trial jury, not the Grand Jury. And it wasn't up to the judge to allow or disallow jury selection. Brian already commented on this in his telegram channel

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Thank you so much for clarifying that.!! I had heard it was the Grand Jury.!! 😅😅 Almost had a Stroke.!!

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The Gateway Pundit was spouting off about this, and apparently they got some things wrong, not surprised by it. However, the trial jury was selected in DC, so, chances are, there are more leftist on the jury than any other political party. So, time will tell, but, if it goes against Durham, he can always appeal to a higher court, and district courts get overturned way too often.

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Let’s hope the Grand Jury isn’t compromised.? I’m hoping Sussman realizes he’s doomed and flips.?

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

I believe the Grand Jury was convened in Connecticut, where Durham is based out of. Without them, he wouldn't have the indictments he has so far.

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Very Good.!! Thank You for your knowledge.!! It is most appreciated.!!

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"As yet there doesn’t seem to be any information available regarding what exactly it was that Joffe did to cause the FBI to terminate its relationship with him as a confidential source, or when this termination occurred."

Let's find out! Betcha Durham already knows.

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Not guilty by reason of the deep state

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Brian, please check out this article…..WOW!!!


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Wonder what Joffe was fired for. Bet it's blockbuster.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

Great reporting Brian. What amazes me is that CBS 11 o'clock news did not mention today's trial session. I am keeping my fingers crossed for that guilty verdict so the domino effect of justice can be put into full swing!

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Thanks, Brian—I read your summaries with avid interest and much appreciation.

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Does Sussman still have time to change his plea?

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After 6 years and President Trump still hasn't been charged. Aren't you getting tired of all the crooks in Washington who have been trying to incriminate Trump and still nothing.

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Sealed indictment?

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It almost reads like a spy novel or something.................. except that one side seems pretty fk'n stupid..................... almost

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I say hung jury and it isn’t even started good yet.

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