I followed the drops from the beginning. I firmly believe it’s legit because I was followed by General Flynn on Twitter when I only had 500 followers. He was following over 250k people. Unheard of for someone like him. Then I was Q’d , #4524 about the Chinese preprinting ballots. I was watching Trump giving an interview, he mentioned it and I remembered a previous drop. I quoted him cause I’m too tech unsavvy to figure out how to record and post a video. Posted it on Twitter and 45 minutes later I’m getting all these congrats. Went from 3k followers to 15k overnight. Got dumped in the purge with POTUS and all the others. I’m now watching future prove past.

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Thanks Brian, I enjoyed your ripping Mikey a new asshole. Why well... Mikey is Assshoe.

The more I learn the more I have been amazed by the Q Drops. History will look back and know that they were the biggest intelligence operation in the history of the free world.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Quantum mechanics has to have been used in this amazing plan!!!

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Thx Brian. Having followed Q from the beginning I knew there was a difference between Q and Anons vs Qanon. I believed and still do that Qanon was created to discredit Q and the Anon group. And yes, future proves past.

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Brian, was able to register at Patriotswitch. Thx for helping. Can you comment on all the Trump products being marketed on many Telegram channels. I bought sev products and was never able to cash them in as promised. Also BOA told me they are Not involved in any way. Everytime I bought a product they then demand you buy a card or a box to redeem them. Am a widow and spent a lg amt of money for nothing. Why hasnt Trump addressed it as a scam? Thx if you have any answers or concerns.

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I don't understand how someone as intelligent as Tracy can be a Q denier AND a DeSanctimonious supporter. Doesn't that bring into at least some doubt her creds as an investigative journalist? It's been a while but I've listened to her a number of times and she was impressive then.

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Tracey has metamorphised a few times. I trust no one except our Lord.

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I don’t trust Tracy anymore…The DeSantis thing really bothers me. He’s a Bushie, and I think, a Trojan horse…..He was a really mediocre congressman, too.

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Tracy is entitled to her point of view and we all are better off supporting folks vs demeaning them. The opposition has the prize for that! God bless ALL for their roles in this war.🙏🙏

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I know Q is an op. Over the years I’ve weeded out the bs anons vs the legit anons. In the beginning I WAS falling for things that were just fear porn and reacting like a sheep.it took awhile, but I learned to think for myself again. I owe it to Q and the legit anons who showed us how to connect dots. I feel prepped for what’s coming . I’ve seen so many proofs, that I’m confident there is something very real about what Q laid out and how the questions were directed. Op or not, somebody knows what’s going on, and is generous enough to keep me informed.

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Beautifully stated, Brian!! We ARE all still here and ‘we the people’ are so thankful for you, Tracy and all the other amazing people who are determined to make the truth of our enslavement public, and the truth of the cabal’s plan for the future! God bless each one.🙏🙏.

By the way, you’re right, “We're STILL good friends. Did all of you out there know this was even possible?”

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