‘Everything else has backfired and boomeranged on them, but this won’t?

I sincerely doubt that.’ Me, too, Brian! I don’t know how much I can stand to watch…. I plan on opening a glass of wine to help….

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I saw precisely 3 min.of the debate when I turned on my cable app to watch the ballgame. What was Biden talking about? LOL. THE FINE PEOPLE HOAX!!!!! You called it Mr. Cates. And I found no reason to watch further. It will be a chance for Trump to lay some of their lies at their feet, and make him wade through his own muck. Biden looked ancient btw. Decrepit and ancient. Ick. I just couldn’t.

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the disclosures of their admitted rigging is telling in itself and has been percolating throughout for awhile now---I’m taking the their dammed if they do, dammed if they don’t approach to whatever happens before, during, and after---a little “lubrication” to digest it certainly can’t hurt!?! God Bless!!!

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I don’t want to watch it because I’ll get pissed off. But I’m going to anyway.

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I just watched the whole thing! Biden has a cold, they say! 😂😂😂😂he ate sh*t and the narrative that he’s a loser is in their air. It was funny watched Newscum try to pretend Biden’s performance was a masterpiece. Good stuff.

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