Jun 1, 2023Liked by Brian Cates

Brian, GREAT column! One other possibility about DeSanctimonious, if remote (h/t: X22): he and Our President are role playing to suck all the oxygen our of any GOPe primary contention. He'll pull out at some point, possibly right before voting starts, having decided that the timing "just isn't right" (no shit!). With as much as Trump has hit him with already this is looking less and less likely as the Real Ron is brought out into the sunlight on his way to the Trump Quicksand, but the effect of sucking up all the oxygen is the same. Huh. Kinda like Trump planned this all along?

As to all the whiners and bitchers with their "I LOVE Trump, but..." HE'S NOT PLAYING TO THOSE WHO GET IT AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT! He's standing up to the most evil force that the civilized world has ever known and IT AIN'T TIDDLY WINKS, FOLKS! HOW DO YOU THINK HE'S CONNECTED WITH THE "GREAT UNWASHED" WHEN NO ONE ELSE HAS BEEN ABLE TO? He is openly offering the part of himself that literally is one of them/us! Seemingly uncouth. Titanium balls big enough to be seen from space. Willing to call a spade a spade, no matter what the counterattacks that he knows are coming will be. ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS IN DEFENSE OF HIS/OUR COUNTRY! Isn't that exactly what is needed for our country and Western Civilization at this point in time? Will anything less win this, one of the major inflection points in world history? HELL NO!!! Already one of the greatest Presidents in history, along with Washington and Lincoln, he's on his way to becoming literally the saviour of the greatest country in world history and of Western Civilization!


And great background on DeSanctimonious, which I'm guessing you're already aware of: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/?s=desantis

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And that IS the truth, Brian!👍 Besides, the left doesn’t understand people with good values and intentions. Never will.

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2024: turning out to be 2016 2.0


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Spot on Brian.

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And he is getting mean!

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I think you need to be burned by these assholes real good - THEN you will get it.

He will certainly get that.

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