Fantastic article! And the only missing piece is how Trump has opposed the global Pedophile Network all along (including before his presidency). If people realized how much he and the White Hats have done to eliminate that scourge, the public would also know they could never thank him/WhiteHats enough to make up for their service and sacrifice.

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There are too many of us who want to see Trump vindicated and back in the saddle, so to speak. I don't believe he's going to get there the traditional way, though. Something has shifted during the past couple weeks. Could it have been Durham's report and Congressional testimony, which essentially indited the whole (in)justice system...which then kicked into gear what the military was initially planning to do during Obama's administration before switching gears and approaching Trump? Feels like something akin to that is afoot... We're not going to just move on without Trump. Only this time he's got the full force of the law and military behind him.

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Change of batter, hmmm... Does Obama own property in California?

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This is great, Brian. I am so glad to tune in and see your take....I have totally gone off the daily monitoring and vigilance after being a stalwart since the days before Q (the good wictor et al on twt days); and all through Q and still am - but I had to take a break. I support you because you do great research and resource. I am staying patient and fully agree - Trump is not finished and he deserves to see and be seen for the mighty force he has been long before he agreed to run the first time.

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Thanks Brian. Another Great article. So easy to forget Why they hate Trump. Thanks for re-reminding me.

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Brian: thank you for taking the time to share this reminder of our true history under the corrupt DC Nazi leadership and bringing to light the real crimes and intentions (and the benefits) that NATO and the DC cabal (3-letter agencies, etc.,) executed in the past 20+ years! We the people MUST get involved personally at our local level AND we must get behind anyone feared and hated by the globalists. That has become my true measure of discernment in the character of the world players, like Putin. God bless you, Brian. We are so thankful for your gifts.🙏

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Brian, I forward your articles to people that are not awake. Can you be sure to describe the names or abbreviations that you use. “No Name”, “AQ,” are two that can be described.

Outside of this, love your work. Appreciate all that you do for our movement.

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Free documentary about Trump and Q - "The Greatest Show on Earth"


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