Thanks Brian.

This Awakening has opened my eyes to so many ways I have been lied to my entire life. It can be very frustrating and humiliating. However, by the grace of God my eyes were opened. As more people are waking up every day thanks to people like you who are the news now we have seen the momentum switch. All the exposure since Trump came down the Golden Escalator has continued to happen at a faster pace. God Is Good.

Keep bringing the heat. Love your work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Exact and clear explanation, Brian!

I wonder how many normies have looked up DARPA. Not just the boy wonders created (with an incestuous relationship to the CIA) you mentioned, but the very first time it was deployed was in the (formerly) hidden evil Bill Gates.

DARPA: internet, social media, apps, surveillance systems, AI, 200+ bio labs around the world via corporations that have been tied to covid, Ukraine, Biden, NIH, CDC, WHO, etc., and with the CIA have posed a huge threat to humanity

CIA: forced coups of legitimate governments around the world, black budgets funded by drug, human trafficking, School of America to teach torture and control techniques to ‘police officers’ in the newly formed governments, MKULTRA, propaganda talking points to the media industrial complex, etc....

These two illegal bureaucratic regimes in the US, have done the will of the cabal and their minions for decades, beginning post WWII, but planned much earlier. Hopefully the people reading your posts won’t be surprised at all by the true purposes of these bureaucracies, but, if surprised, hopefully will research.

Thank you, Brian for sharing your gifts, and God bless you.🙏🙏

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