Wow, Brian. Well done. That evil garden gnome killed many of my friends in the 80’s. AZT killed one of my friends. The others simply died of AIDS. He has been murdering people for decades. I long for the day he is put on trial for crimes against humanity.

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“And once Fauci is finally gone, the corrupt medical system he spent 40 years building can be dismantled and replaced by something better.”

Fauci is going to be the GOAT in the Bureaucrat Hall of Fame when it comes to narcissistic self dealing, money & power consolidation combined with a brilliant instinct for ass-covering & deflection.

But he’s still more symptom than disease. The FDA, the Fed, the financial system, the media, etc, are every bit as corrupt and self serving in toto as Fauci is personally. The only solution is to dismantle them, yes, but after burning them down salt the earth and walk away. Any attempt at “reforming” or “rebuilding” will only lead to more of the same.

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That's the big question isn't it, and it absolutely demands an answer: how was this poisonous psychopath facilitated and protected for all these decades? Pulling on the Fauci thread is going to unravel a vast tapestry of sordid evil - the practice of medicine will never be the same again. This shot will be heard around the world.

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Or it’s not. Seems like a whole lot of people who deserved to be hung ages ago are still wandering this earth in white robes and stocking caps.

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May it be so. Excellent. Thanks again for all your efforts.

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Needs to be hung in the public square! Most evil human ever! Couldn’t begin to quantify how many human beings he’s killed! And let’s not forget he helped manufacture this epidemic.

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No one should be in that position for 40 years. Five years should be the presumption with a maximum of an extra three if the person is producing outstanding results.

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Waiting for the Hammer to Fall....Thank you Brian, great article as always

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Another excellent piece of work Brian. If the fake news ever wonders why they are circling the drain, they can be immediately enlightened by reading any of your articles.

Personally, I hope Fauci is tried for crimes against humanity. He's a classic sociopath.

It's been a long time and apparently the health industrial complex, media, and many politicians have forgotten the Nuremburg Code. It's high-time for a reminder or thousands to set us back on the straight and narrow.

The sad thing is that this awakening will lead many people who desperately need treatment (cancer patients, diabetics, etc.) to avoid the medical establishment at all costs.

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As always Brian, you are spot on! The question in my mind is how do we get congress to get these entrenched bureaucrats out of government. We need to have these people not be allowed to remain for 40 years. Public service should be more cyclic.

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As always, your writing brings situations/events/personalities so clearly into focus. You exemplify DJT's statement: "The truth is a force of Nature." Looking for your writing is always my first choice throughout the day. Thank you for the great work.

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I just joined! You are such a wonderful journalist that I must support your work. I have been following you since mid 2018. THANK YOU! You are worthy 🥰

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Thank you Brian. God bless you. Forgive me Lord, I am looking forward to a public hanging of this man.

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After reading you and RKJr's book - researching the citations at the end of each chapter, this absolute sick, criminal fuk, has been paying off research institutions, universities, and the people employed by them for DECADES!

Brian, there MUST be a DOOR OF JUSTICE, that this evil soulless lower than a human will pass through.

One HERE on earth. The other in his afterlife.

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Great piece Brian! Each one is better and better!

I sometimes wonder at those who do these things. Some fake a religious side for the public, or say they don't believe in God. But, in the SHTF crunch time, is there maybe a cell or two in their brain firing away? Trying to calculate (as if God's mercy & forgiveness was a math equation) if what they did was really that bad? Trying to justify, rationalize it.

This misses the point completely. Greed, power, pride. Doesn't matter. What does matter is not accepting consequences & responsibility with a humble & contrite heart. No excuses. You did it, we pretty much know why. Own it.

The libs have fake news, fake genders, fake presidents for the real one. At least get something right, have real cojones and say "I did it!"

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" it had a fatality rate of 53%"

No no no! You see, it saved 47% of the people who were going to die.

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Excellent piece. Thank you Brian. While i love your work, it was the last story on Jenny McCarthy that convinced me yo become a paid subscriber. Glad i did. Worth every penny!

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