Durham Blows Up 5 Years Worth of False "Fact-Checking" By Fake News
Hillary Clinton Paid a Federal Government Private Contractor To Spy on the President of the United States From Inside The White House
President Donald J. Trump loudly made the claim many times during his four year run in the Oval Office from 2017-2021.
The claim that while he was a candidate for President in 2016 and then during his tenure in the White House he was being spied on illegally. That his ‘wires were tapped’ at Trump Tower.
And every single time Trump dared to voice this claim, the Fake News Media instantly leapt to shout him down and ‘fact-check’ him about it.
When Trump made the claim again during a 60 Minutes interview with CBS correspondent Leslie Stahl in October of 2020, she emphatically rejected what he was saying and repeatedly tried to cut him off. Stahl even said that this was the storied and hallowed 60 Minutes program and that something could not be put out there without any evidence to support it.
But Trump kept insisting the evidence was there, and indeed it was. There was no excuse whatsoever for a serious journalist to insist at that late date, just one month before the 2020 election that there was ‘no evidence’ that Trump and his campaign had been spied on. Stahl didn’t even try the clever dodge that Trump had been placed under ‘legal surveillance’ via a FISA warrant granted by the FISC. She simply made a flat, universal denial.
Watch the video:
What makes Stahl’s emphatic denial in late 2020 so ludicrous is that by mid-2018 plenty of solid evidence had emerged that were causing some very reluctant admissions in some of the mainstream press that yes, Trump had been spied on by federal agencies via a ‘legal’ surveillance warrant granted by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC].
I even made a meme of it at the time, mocking the way the media instantly spun on a dime from a “Nobody spied on Trump and his campaign!” to a “Great idea to spy on Trump and his campaign!” narrative.
That spying on Trump and his associates was not limited to intercepting and unmasking their electronic communications [phone calls, emails, text messages, internet usage]. At least one spy had been sent to the Trump campaign to gather evidence against them, as Accuracy In Media’s Brian McNicoll reported back in May of 2018:
In the past week, both the New York Times and the Washington Post have acknowledged the FBI and U.S. intelligence services had a spy in the Trump campaign and others have acknowledged that British intelligence services may have been involved.
The Times referred to the spy as an informant, but it provided a lengthy account of how the intelligence services were politicized to attack the Trump campaign. The Post further reported on the spy’s “months-long pattern of seeking out and meeting three different Trump campaign officials.”
The spy, who ZeroHedge identified as Stefan Halper, an academic and security expert who has participated in spying activities for the FBI and CIA.
And yet there was Stahl, insisting to Trump’s face in October of 2020 that there was ‘no verified evidence’ that anybody ever spied on him, his campaign or his presidency.
Leslie Stahl needs to issue an apology. Not only was Trump being spied on by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies based on faked evidence, it just so happens he was also being spied on by at least one federal private contractor working on behalf of a private citizen. And not just any private citizen. That private was none other than citizen Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Realize what Durham and his crack team in the Special Counsel’s office have just done.
After clearly establishing who Joffe and the GT researchers were working for via the indictment of Sussmann last September and the key role Joffe/GT played in concocting the Alfa Bank Hoax with Perkins Coie lawyers Sussmann & Elias, Durham also showed the world via the billing records exactly who it was that was directing and paying for all this nefarious activity while using their lawyers as their cut out/middlemen: the Hillary Clinton for President campaign.
And the entire time Durham was setting that up, explaining how the conspiracy chain-of-command worked, he was carefully and artfully holding back something ELSE that the Hillary Clinton campaign was paying Joffe & Co. to do via the lawyers at Perkins Coie.
Durham just **casually dropped into a filing** last week that Joffe and his crew were spying on the President of the United States.
Not only was President Trump completely correct about the fact his campaign was being spied on, and that that spying continued on into his administration once he’d been sworn into office on January 20, 2017…it turns out his campaign and his presidency were being spied by multiple parties.
The “Legal” Spies in the Federal Agencies - Using Fake Clinton Allegations
It has been a well-established and admitted fact for 4 years now that the FBI used a tainted warrant full of fake evidence supplied by the Clinton campaign’s very well-paid political operatives to obtain a surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign advisor Carter W. Page that allowed the agency to “legally” spy on both the Trump campaign & later the Trump presidency from October of 2016 all the way through to September of 2017. It was only in September of 2017, eight months after Donald J. Trump had assumed office, that the third and final renewal of that tainted Carter Page FISA warrant finally was allowed to expire at last.
The Illegal Spies - Private Cybersecurity Contractors Using Access To EOP Servers To Spy on The President For Hillary Clinton & Associates
But now Durham has begun to reveal the nuts-and-bolts working of a second and previously unknown private contractor spying operation targeting the Trump campaign that was - incredibly enough! - being funded and directed by none other than Hillary Clinton herself.
While the FBI is going to argue they had some legal cover even after it became manifest that the “evidence” they used in their application to get the FISA warrant on Page was faked and had come from Clinton own agents, Rodney Joffe, the GT personnel, and Sussmann and Elias are not going to have that luxury.
When the FBI used the fake evidence in the Steele Dossier supplied it by the same Clinton people at Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie who had also manufactured the Alfa Bank hoax, FBI personnel could at least could **attempt** to argue they were fooled by Clinton’s people into using the legal apparatus of the security state into targeting her rival’s campaign for the presidency.
Now there are very good and valid reasons for thinking they won’t be successful in claiming they were taken in by Clinton’s private operatives, but I want to discuss something else at the moment.
Although the Carter Page warrant was chock-full of faked evidence, it was still in the eyes of the law a **legal** surveillance warrant. It wasn’t until years later that the FISA Court finally ruled that warrant and it’s renewals were invalid.
And a legal warrant is exactly what Rodney Joffe of Neustar and his coconspirators at GIT did **not** have while they were spying on Trump’s campaign and then his presidency.
Understand: Joffe and everyone else involved in this illegal private contractor spying on Trump from inside the White House have absolutely no legal cover whatsoever. There is no warrant. Based on faked evidence or otherwise.

Several years ago, probably as early as 2018, Durham compared the Alfa Bank hoax white papers and thumb drives that Sussmann handed off to FBI General Counsel James Baker in September of 2016 to the Alfa Bank hoax white papers and thumb drives that Sussmann gave to “Federal Agency-2” officials in February of 2017.
And Durham and his investigators instantly could see that the Alfa Bank hoax papers and drives from February had been revised and updated with new data that were not seen in the earlier September version.
Try to imagine the look on Durham & his investigator’s faces as they realized some of the new data included in the February version of the Alfa Bank hoax **included DNS sever lookup material from the Executive Office of the President**.
A lot of people assume that the “Executive Office of the President” just means the Oval Office. Durham and his staff would know better. It includes the National Security Counsel, the National Security Advisor, the Vice President, the White House Chief of Staff, and several key administration offices.
Team Durham would have instantly grasped what these revisions to the Alfa Bank hoax meant. Between September of 2016 and February of 2017, Donald Trump and his new administration had taken up residence in the White House. This meant Joffe and his team were taking DNS data from out of the White House’s dedicated servers and adapting it and using it in their Alfa Bank hoax. And then Perkins Coie lawyer Sussmann takes this revised hoax to a federal agency many think is the CIA and gives it to them. And all of this activity was being paid for by the Clinton campaign.
Private contractors working for a private citizen did this. Without any warrant. Can you grasp how amazing that is?
It’s bad enough that prior to Trump entering the White House, Joffe & Co. were illegally mining federal agency databases for private electronic communications information on him and his associates, and then giving what they had illegally taken from those databases to Perkins Coie & Fusion GPS. Because by extension they were giving that data to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Who were using it to drive their fake Trump/Russia collusion hoax.
What makes things worse for Joffe & his team is that they decided to **continue** their electronic spying on Trump and his associates after Trump was sworn in as President and had entered the White House. And they didn’t just limit themselves to scouring the same federal databases they’d been using before.
Rodney Joffe must have made a conscious decision to use his access as Neustar V-P to the dedicated servers in the EOP to step up his spying on Trump as he looked for information he could hand off to the Clinton campaign to help Clinton and her media and federal agency allies continue their attempts to sabotage Trump via their Russian Collusion hoax.
There’s no doubt what happened here. Without a warrant, a private contractor working for Hillary Clinton spied on a sitting President in the White House, then handed off what he found to her lawyers at Perkins Coie, who then used that new White House data in an updated version of their Alfa Bank hoax and gave it to “Federal Agency-2”.
And Durham has it all.
Look at the language in the filing. Durham’s not speculating or just hoping he can prove this. He says he has the concrete evidence and he will show it to the court. If this goes to trial he is saying he can 100% prove all these people involved in this illegal spying did it.
I believe him.
And so should you.
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GodBless John Durham
GodBless his Team of Investigators
GodBless the Founding Ethics, Morals, Integrity, Honor of The United States of America and Those in Positions of Power and Authority that DO NOT abuse that power and authority to grasp authoritative control over its citizens!
May This Restore Trust in America and Some of its Elected Leaders!
Thank YOU, Brian, for YOUR detailed, cogent, foundational representation of WHERE WE ARE, and WHERE OUR HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. 🙏🛐🙏
btw, for some unknown reason I have been banned from commenting by your telegram admin. I don’t understand what I wrote that caused this but would be happy to share my social media accounts with you to verify validate my timeline of posts … ☺️…
I found this one to be especially heartwarming. Thank you, Brian.