Amen Brother Cates! And listening to Dave on X22 the Globalist Deep State will be trying anything and everything to keep Our President from being inaugurated, because they've just about given up on being able to steal another election. It ain't gonna work as Q reminded us almost exactly 7 years prior to this November 5 election:


Nov 01, 2017 12:57:15 AM EDT

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations.

No war.

No civil unrest.


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Yes, and the election is now part of our

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Very encouraging to be reminded of what has changed since the last cheat. Not sure I'll make it emotionally until November, but this helps!

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It is most certainly a beautiful thing happening in the country. Yes, they will continue to try to gaslight us by insisting the mass influx of illegals (outside the law, criminals the minute they stepped across the border), but no matter how many time they cry ‘migrants’ we won’t believe them as they are criminals who must be returned to their own country, prison, or mental health facility. They can illegally give them drivers licenses to set them up to vote illegally. That makes citizens and NGOs who facilitate this complicit in treason.

Trump warned what would happen to those who participate in any manner in another overthrowing of a duly elected government. Biden just signed the EO addressing the foreign interference. Does anyone think Trump’s just kidding? Not a chance. As you state, Brian, too many are awake now for the cabal and it’s corrupt minions here to succeed.

Hmm…wonder what they’ll try next? Our guys know the playbook, however.

God bless you and thank you!🙏

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I became immune to them on Nov.28, 2020. I shut them out and off. I knew immediately that they had stolen the election, because I saw the flip at 3:00am with Anderson Cooper blabbing away. In fact I knew when Chris (the slink) Stirewalt announced Arizona. If I knew, there were millions that knew. And now many millions more know. If they’re still unsure, they’re positive that the Democrats suck at governing a free society. No, they can’t pull the same cheat. Im confident they’re dead as you suggest. I only hope that in their desperation they don’t destroy us just because. They’re right on the jagged edge of it. Im counting on all that brain power on Trump’s side of things to shut this op down before they push our nation over that edge into an abyss.

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Infrastructure…..that changes how the NG can respond.

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