Biden Throws In the Towel
Admits There Never Was A Federal Solution To Covid. He Should Have Listened To Trump.
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It was back in December of 2020 that a confident President-installed Joe Biden bragged that while then-President Donald J. Trump did not have a federal plan to end the COVID pandemic, he did.
“I’m going to shut the virus down!” Biden boasted at the time.
This week he finally threw in the towel and gave up, as I always knew he would in the face of ever-increasing pushback from the federal courts and the country itself.
Five months ago an already struggling President Joe Biden was insisting he didn’t yet know if he had any authority as President to use his emergency and executive branch powers to ‘mandate the entire country’.
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As I meme’d at the time, that may well have been the biggest lie Biden has told in nearly 50 years as a corrupt politician in Washington DC.
This is Biden at his absolute worst, pretending he doesn’t know the Constitutional limitations on the Executive Branch. As I said at the time, if he’s confused about this, the federal courts are going to be more than happy to educate him about it.
Of course, shortly thereafter the Biden regime announced it had discovered it could indeed mandate vaccines for more than 100 million Americans after all and began rolling out mandates for various sectors of the population. Health care providers, the military, US businesses with more than 100 employees, etc.
It was noticed early on that the OSHA rule hadn’t actually taken effect yet, as it was tied up in extensive litigation in the courts. Well, Biden simply **encouraged** government contractors and private businesses to go ahead and implement their own private vaccine mandates for all of their employees.

Understand what that meant: Biden was asking private business owners to act on their own with **no legal cover whatsoever** because the mandates are not enacted and in force yet.
And after over four months of complete chaos and turmoil, Biden suddenly announced there is no federal solution as he tosses the issue back to the governors of the states and says it’s their problem.
His vaunted COVID-busting plan a shambles, Biden then departed for vacation time at his home in Delaware.
Biden Should Have Listened And Learned From President Trump
As I wrote at Uncover DC in the early stages of this Great COVID Hysteria War, a plethora of people were screaming for then-President Donald Trump to seize control of entire states and industries in a raw exercise of executive power.
And time and again, Trump resisted their calls that he engage in blatantly unconstitutional acts.
“America Is Beating This Virus”
“Trump: The Dictator That Wasn’t”
Trump successfully navigated not one, but two ‘black swan’ events that could have destroyed the US economy and made this country a basket case for years. First the pandemic itself, and then the economic shutdown it engendered.
Many people fully expected the US economy to be reduced to a smoking crater in the ground. Some looked forward to it, for they were planning for this sort of thing, hoping the chaos and sudden poverty would lead to a massive turning to government dependency after the American middle class and much of the upper middle class were wiped out and shunted into the lower classes. One big massive segment of society looking for help and security, something the elites in power would have been only too happy to provide for them - at the price of liberty and freedom.
As I wrote here in an earlier column this year, we are presently living in “The Age of Incoherency”, in which virtually nothing government leaders are telling their people about COVID, lockdowns, supply chain issues, and vaccines makes any sense.
It appears the Great Reset, which was supposed to be implemented gradually, ended up for some reason being implemented at “Warp Speed”, something that gave the game away to millions of outraged citizens the world over, who are marching in the streets against totalitarian policies their leaders are attempting to inflict upon them.
The Global Cabal’s Great Reset Plan Is In Shambles
It’s pretty easy to see that whatever form The Great Reset plan had in early 2020, it did not involve the sudden appearance of major variants and then having to demand people take 3 or 4 vaccines and then boosters in less than a year. So it’s obvious something caused this plan to go off the rails.
They’re being forced to reintroduce the regular flu and the common cold this Winter, after having spent the past year folding all those numbers into the COVID infections/hospitalizations/deaths in order to foment hysteria.
There’s not a whole lot in their bag of COVID Hysteria Tricks they could repeat 2 years into this with any real success.
It’s not an exaggeration to say Omicron and the news of this fast approaching military vaccine seems to have brought the curtain down on The Great Reset - at least here in the United States.
Some countries, such as Israel and Germany, are plunging full-speed-ahead with more vaccines and boosters in less than one year’s time, in acts of absolute madness.
They Will Regret Having Done This
I have been saying for months that corporations and businesses that stupidly instituted on their own initiative private vaccine mandates for their employees and fired those that would not comply would end up being targeted by massive lawsuits which they would then lose.
And when that happened, these corporation CEO’s and business owners are going to come running to Biden asking for bailouts to cover the huge damage awards their former employees are receiving and Biden will literally turn his back on them.
There’s an issue most people have not looked into yet, but I’ll bring it up here.
While it’s true the vaccine makers are protected against liability, none of that protection extends to businesses who fired employees for not getting jabbed. Or who had employees harmed or killed by these vaccines.
Most of the focus on future litigation against businesses and corporations who are run by dumbasses who instituted their own private vaccine mandates even though they were not legally required to do that yet has been on employees they fired who refused to comply.
But you cannot overlook the people who complied, got the vaccines, and were then damaged by the shots, some of them fatally.
These corporate CEO’s and businesses owners are liable for that, too.
Can you see what a massive problem it’s going to be when these CEO’s and business owners suddenly wake up to the massive liabilities they face and realize Biden and Washington DC is not going to bail them out?
I can.
And I’m looking forward to it.
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Thank You Brian, Bravo 👏
In a time when you don’t know what to believe, I find truth in your articles