Excellent! Thank You Brian and Patrick 👏 God bless 🙌

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Thanks Brian and Patrick!!!

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Thankyou! Battling the stupifying effects of MSM propaganda when talking to family and friends is a relentless, unrewarding task. I admit that I yearn for the " I told you so" moment more and more every day. 🙄

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Thoughtful analysis that hopefully will awaken a few more of "the woketopian Borg".

Thank you for the audio versions. I prefer to read when time permits, but with so much to do, being able to listen, during otherwise unproductive times is greatly appreciated!!

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Can this (the audio) be downloaded at all from anywhere?

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This is really good stuff Brian, thank you.

What is your guys opinion on this?


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I need insights/info, I liked ur work. I am following this since long time. What do you do about the info that Sberbank, Russian Federation Bank conducted the Cyber Polygon? Need insights about that

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The best and most concise explanation for understanding the Ukraine situation.! Thank you Brian Cates!

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