Another question when you get around to it. If this goes as far as you suspect, with HRC Will her case be held in a court, or tribunal?

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Hello Brian, I have was wondering about Sussman’s defense cost.

1-Who is paying for it?

2-Does Durham have capacity at this time to monitor funds transferring? Example HRC or the foundation covering the costs for those people obviously covering for her/them?

3-If yes to #2 above, then would this info be usable in a court?

HRC has been so careless up til now, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Anyways I stumbled across you recently, through Dave x22. Keep it up and love your reporting. I know your busy but if you have time, check out some of my reply’s to some legislators and others I’ve sent recently. Twitter. C.J.W.@1963Crusader Best.

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It is hard to say which is more gratifying to witness: Durham playing these arrogant co-conspirators against each other, or the desperation rippling toward Hillary's doorstep. Neither of which would be in effect without judicial integrity. I pray we can rely on that. Faith does not come easy after the Sullivan/Flynn circus.

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Thank You Brian and Patrick 👏 🙏

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Thanks Brian! What are your thought of Durham seeming to give a pass the corruption of the FBI/CIA. They are saying they were misled, etc. Why is Durham not looking into the Brennan/Comey for their wrong doings?

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