Actually—It started in 1971 when the shots first arrived. They got my babies in the 1970s.

April 6, 1974 Redux

Since 1971, all the shots were meant to chemically intellectually castrate our babies. I observed the results for decades because they got my babies in the 1970s—the first wave of brain-damaged children.


The reason our children were never acknowledged is that they were diagnosed as abused:

42 U.S. Code § 5106a: A Worthy Revisit


I’m a polymath, a genius, and a non-linear thinker whose childhood dream was to become a genetic researcher. Records are below:

Records from 12–29–65:

“Joyce is no school behavior problem but she is underachieving. She is intensely interested in her hobbies. She raises and breeds tropical fish, hamsters, and experimental mice. She has done a great deal of research for her hobby and finds it a tremendous source of satisfaction. She hopes to go into research and her dream is to work at Bar Harbor where they are doing “tremendous things” in genetics.

Testing reveals an I.Q. of 134 on WISC placing her in the superior range of intelligence.

Rorschach shows an essentially normal record but with some difficulties in inter-personal relationships. Joyce has the capacity for insight, drive for self-improvement but sees herself hampered by a severe frustrating environment that does not allow or offer her intellectual and emotional growth. She foresees, however, self-capacities and strengths to find these things for herself, and she should be helped to develop these strengths since it is not likely that the parents can be positive guiding forces.”

Never, ever, ever hurt a smart lady’s kids.

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Thank You again Brian and Patrick, God Bless

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Now it is worse special education class are now more than ever overwhelmed with not enough teacher and instead of 10 autism kids per class now 20 since scamdemic and results of 72 jabs to go to school!!!!!!!!!

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