Excellent! It seems that a lot of MAGA folks are addicted to drama, and those so-called influencers provide them a steady stream of it. I've had to leave various discussion groups b/c I'm the stick-in-the-mud asking for verification irritating everybody.

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I’m chuckling as I read this post! You’re exactly right about the human nature factor in the media, including the alternative media most of us go to for news. Human nature is kinda greedy and loves attention….even to the point of using the fake media’s ‘anonymous sources’ for their narratives. We just can’t help ourselves…..

Seriously, I completely agree with your assessment of the status on swamp draining. This rogue cabinet does not possess superhuman abilities, and as you’ve noted….the cabal’s minions aren’t going without a fight and it WILL take time to clean them out. Of course, the DOGE and other exposures will accelerate departures (as well as the start of the justice phase).

God bless you for sharing your God-given mind!!🙏

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