Outstanding Brian! Interesting how all the foot soldiers in this whole Lawfare gambit are unethical, low-life slugs whose scumbag personal traits seem to always blow up their "cases" and in their faces. Good for the White Hats, in the end, although the unspeakable trauma that many, like these co-defendants and the J6ers, are being put through has got to be compensated for and the perpetrators severely punished. Not sure that a few months in prison would be nearly enough....

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Thanks Brian. You provided great insight into the way things are legally supposed to work and the illegal bullshit this asshole Fani (pun intended) went about this "investigation". The whole daughter of a civil rights leader ruse was all planned by the DS Rat Bastards and Fani saw personal stardom at the end. She must have gotten all her legal knowledge from a Cracker Jack box. Dumber then a box of hammers.

Good vs Evil.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Great post, Brian! Fani and her lover apparently worked together to get all the documents, witnesses, etc. detailing the ways President Trump and his co-defendants cheated by trying to discover the truth about the 2020 election; waited almost 3 years to call for the grand jury, spending hours at the White House talking about the case….or were they getting their marching orders on waiting until it was almost election season to call up the grand jury…..THEN apparently giving a couple of folks writing about it access?

You’re right, Brian, “Ain’t live grand?” …. unless you’ve cheated yourself, got your lover to participate, or rendered people in the Biden administration complicit….maybe it won’t be so grand for them….😂

God bless you, Brian!🙏🙏

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Thank You Brian

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WOW, just WOW! I enjoy reading all your

newsletters, which are awesome and humorous, but as I read this one... my heart was excitedly beating, like a teenage girl looking through her Tiger Beat magazine [yes I'm that old]. I'm thinking these people cannot be this stupid, but here we are. 🙃 Excellent! You are my go to for any truth I need and you never disappoint, especially explaining in a way I can understand. Waiting anxiously for your next write up, Brian.😊

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