Good job, Brian. You are the one that keeps me from joining my friends who have accepted futility. I felt the same back in the days following TW and then Carlos, and then Gab and QV - just because the Wictorian viewpoint always brought the logic. I miss TW on any platform, and speculate that he may be one of your analyst sources.

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the cold logical analyst who doesn’t allow emotions or impatient expectations to color his analysis.

This exactly why I will gladly renew my subscription , thank you Brian as i tip my black hat to you.

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JEEEZ That is so frustrating. I get to hate reading your articles with the irritating grammar mistake. This time no comment about the article from me, even if it was very good and normally I'd be complimentary. Look at the following para and correct the IT IS = it's (apostrophe in lieu of letter "i") and write ITS = possessive determiner, adjective or pronoun; NO APOSTROPHE

"...The Washington Examiner, in it’s report on Smith’s appointment, makes bare mention of this in it’s opening sentence of it’s report before skipping over to all the juicy political info they want to get to: ...." THREE MISTAKES IN ONE SENTENCE

c'mon Brian!!

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Get a life bro! I pity any significant other in your life if your also that critical of all their imperfections.

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I get to hate , so why subscribe ?

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Yes bself, you do have the right to hate and to also be loud about it. I also have the right to be critical of you being a micro nitpicker.

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I gotta agree. It's a consistent error that is distracting during the reading of the article. "It's" is always a contraction for "it is".

"Its" should be used to refer to something "it" possesses.

I'm a paid subscriber, also paid subscriber to brother Duane's substack. I've bought about six t-shirts from Brian and I recommend him for follows very frequently.

With that said, the consistent grammatical errors are a small but annoying price to pay for Brian's insights. But for the good of his writing, I do wish he'd make an effort to use "it's" and "its" correctly.

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Thank you for liking the comment. I feel guilty as it's the second time I call Brian's attention to it. This time I sound very Nazi grammarian, but what do you expect if you don't reread and correct your text before you publish. I know it's a bother but as a translator I have to do this to earn my money, so should he really, to earn my money I mean!

By the way, "It's" can also be a contraction of "it has", he's = "he has", etc.

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I like it, but so few see it. Keep on exercising the super power “bubba”. Your not alone.

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You sir have an amazing mind! I agree with everything you have said!

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Well written

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Excellent Brian, just Excellent. Thank you brother. I pray for you often sir. Thanking God for your service to our country!

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.....and there you have it!!! Well said, well researched, and well done Brian! learned a lot here, but what surprised me the most was that this guy is a war crime prosecutor...my goodness!!! The plot thickens! Thanks once again Brian for bringing us the goods so to speak!

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Awesome insights! As someone is famous for saying, "We'll have to wait and see..."

What an interesting time to be alive!

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Insightful analysis as always

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Great Job! You are onto the real story here and I look forward to your next article on it.

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Thanks Brian 🙏

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Brian, this was an excellent article! I miss you so much on Telegram and I messed up changing my PW and am currently locked out of TruthSocial. I am quite distraught about that. At least I can still read these articles!

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[Yes! To Malaysia Q]

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