This Is Not A Serious Case Against Trump
And The Reason Jack Smith Was Tapped To Be Special Counsel Emerges
As I’m on vacation for a week in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina all this week, I’m pressed for time in getting this post up, so bear with me.
So Jack Smith finally dropped 37 charges against President Donald J. Trump, an act that is already backfiring on those who were counting on this to harm or at least slow down Trump’s inevitable march to the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination.
This isn’t a serious indictment. When it is before a competent judge, its going to be tossed or have most of its charges dismissed.
This is why there’s already such a hue and cry for Judge Aileen Cannon to either recuse herself or be taken off the case and replaced by a designated Swamp creature.
Most of those talking heads you’re seeing on your TV know what an absurdity this case is, which is why they all wailed like banshees on hearing it’d been assigned to Cannon. See, this case is so weak it **must** he handled by the ‘right kind’ of judge. And Judge Cannon has already demonstrated she’s not the kind of judge they want hearing this case.
Another weird thing about this Trump indictment: this isn’t Special Counsel Jack Smith’s first rodeo when it comes to trying to use an exotic reading of the Espionage Act statute to pursue a target. He’s done this before.
Here’s the VERY revealing punchline to that thread by Matte Beebe:
So the DOJ made Jack Smith a Special Counsel to pursue **exactly the same kind of case** he pursued against Thomas Drake. And this case against President Trump is even weaker than the case against Drake was, as Trump has the Presidential Records Act on his side.
This is all a farce. That’s been played out before. Why someone wants it to be played out again on this Big Stage remains to be seen. My take based on what I’m researching is that Trump is in no real danger at all, and Jack Smith faces monumental hurdles in getting a conviction in this case, assuming it isn’t tossed before it ever reaches a trial.
Good. And.Jack Smith needs to be disbarred. We are Over this shit. Corrupt govt breaking the backs of good ppl. And some wondered why only some Americans are proud to be American. American government needs to Earn our respect and Pride back. .
JUMPING JACK SMITH and FEC/IRS LOIS LERNER worked hard all nighters together denying True the Vote conservatives freedom of speech.