The Recent Twitter “Madness”
I follow the Crazy Days & Nights Blog where “Entertainment Lawyer” who runs the site [affectionately referred to as “Enty” by regular commenters there]. Enty is one of those assuming the Fake News coverage of Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of Twitter is accurate.
This has led Enty to believe what we’ve all been observing for the past three weeks, ever since Musk ‘let that sink in!’ by walking through Twitter’s HQ doors literally carrying a ‘mobile sink’, are the actions of an angry troll disappointed he wasn’t able to back out of the Twitter purchase deal and so has been throwing an ill-thought-out public temper tantrum on his newly and reluctantly acquired social media platform.
In fact, if you read everything Enty has said about Musk over the years, he’s convinced due to the rumors he’s heard that Musk is an actual criminal who should be in prison.
Like a lot of people in the mainstream media, Enty has a very jaundiced view of Musk, which leads to his instant dismissal of any narrative that doesn’t fit his view of the South African billionaire.
Given that Musk has been rubbing shoulders ardently with the Hollywood crowd that Enty covers and is very familiar with, it’s understandable he would see Musk as just another rich pervert. But it should be remembered that until he decided to run for President as a Republican and he began his orchestrated exposure and dismantling of the Deep State during his presidency, this is exactly the same view many had of Donald J. Trump. A sex-obsessed rich guy with too much time on his hands and too much money buying himself public attention and fame.
However, I’ve always thought actions speak louder than words or rumors. If what you **think** someone is keeps being overtly contradicted by what you are actually observing them doing, perhaps it is time to reassess what you think of them.
That’s how it went for me with Trump, since after he won the 2016 election, after having been very publicly Never Trump during the election campaign, I said I would fully support him and hope for the best - while I was privately expecting the worst. It was not until I had actually observed Trump’s actions in office for some number of months - 4 to be precise - that in June of 2017 I told my Twitter followers that I had changed my mind about him and was now an enthusiastic Trump supporter.
A lot of people had expectations about how it would go when Musk was ‘forced’ to very ‘reluctantly’ assume ownership of Twitter. Since developments have occurred so swiftly, here’s a brief recap:
The day the purchase deal was completed, Musk walked into Twitter HQ carrying a mobile sink and Tweeted “Let that sink in!”
Musk then promptly fired the entire Twitter executive board and most of the executive staff.
Musk proceeded to fire almost 2/3rds of Twitter’s employees. This led to massive expectation on the Left that Twitter was about to stop running and implode. Instead, the service seemed to be running better than ever.
The new CEO then insisted on a new work ethic in a company where several employees have been captured on undercover videos boasting they only worked around four hours a week. This prompted several hundred of Twitter’s remaining staff to quit in protest.
Musk then quietly removed the hashtags that had been used to drive much of the underground Twitter child pornography/exploitation market, and only began publicly commenting on it when platform users who’d been tracking the issue publicly thanked him for addressing that after Twitter’s Old Regime had ignored public complaints about it for 10+ years.
The new CEO then began banning all the Antifa accounts that had been using Twitter to promote and organize violence. Plenty of people had publicly complained about that too - and Twitter staff had done nothing.
Musk has spent the last two weeks very pointedly engaging in direct Twitter conversations with markedly conservative-leaning accounts on the platform. Some examples:
[Strangely enough the left-leaning accounts on Twitter don’t seem to care all that much about the child porn issue on Twitter, and haven’t been engaging Elon to thank him for finally dealing with it. Go figure.]
For a long time now Conservatives were otherized on Twitter and viewed as second-class citizens on what was deliberately being turned into a Leftist Woke Echo Chamber. Leftists were in the driver’s seat. Wokeness ruled supreme on the platform.
And then someone let that sink in…
This trend of Musk interacting positively with the ‘wrong side’ of Twitter has the mainstream media blue check ‘fact checkers’ extremely upset. Under Twitter’s old ownership, Fake News outlets like Media Matters knew they had the full backing of the Twitter staff for their narrative control efforts. Now? Musk is directly telling them all those days are over.
However Musk has now compounded his crimes with the Left by engaging in two very distinct acts of ‘treason’:
He took a poll of Twitter users about reinstating President Donald J. Trump’s banned account, and promptly removed the suspension
Musk then took a new poll about instituting an amnesty for Twitter’s millions of banned accounts that never broke any law or engaged in any spamming. When the majority of voters said yes, Musk announced a mass Twitter amnesty would occur.
If this Twitter amnesty does indeed happen, that means millions of new human users on the platform - many of whom will return to saying the exact same sort of things that got them banned under the old Twitter ownership.
Of course, Media Matters and the lying Fake News insist it was ‘hate speech’ and ‘spreading misinformation’ that got those accounts banned, so they’re very very upset that Musk says he’s going to do this.
But all the returning Conservatives know the real score. They know they were banned for telling the truth and defying the old Twitter regime’s iron-fisted attempts at complete narrative control.
Because Musk insists that accounts that were banned that did not engage in violating any law or spamming will be reinstated, this means all the accounts banned as a result having been involved in the Q drops from 2017-2020 will be reinstated.
That would mean that reading and examining the Q drops will be far easier than it is now, when one has to constantly use sites like The Wayback Machine Archive to find out what some Twitter user has posted that Q referenced in a drop. Since getting quoted by Q was an almost instant ban by the old Twitter staff, as it frantically attempted to interfere with the spread of ‘misinformation’.

Just as the narrative control by the bad guys is being severely weakened and compromised, especially by having had Twitter seized from them by Musk, a Q community now well trained in information warfare and educating the general public is headed back to that platform.
This is going to have direct repercussions on the Cabal’s ability to invent and launch fake scandals while simultaneously attempting to suppress and hide real scandals from the world. Because Twitter is far more than just the United States. It is a true international media platform.
So while some people see Musk as just a disgruntled troll angry at the world and out to burn his new acquisition to the ground, that’s not my take on what he’s doing. He’s fully determined to turn Twitter into not only a profitable company, but also a vital worldwide platform for free expression and conversation. Which it certainly wasn’t before he got there.
The Brunson Case
I’ve watched other commentators on Truth Social and Telegram - such as @JustHuman and @TracyBeanz get criticized and attacked for telling the truth about the Brunson case.
People who are actually knowledgeable about how the SCOTUS docket works are now having to correct the record after some social media influencers created the impression that because the Brunson case made it onto the docket, this means the SCOTUS is ipso facto now required to hear it.
Well, that’s not the case. In fact, **most** cases that are filed on the SCOTUS docket are not heard by the 9 justices and ruled on.
After lots of social media buildup by people who don’t know how anything works, it’s going to be incredibly disillusioning for many if the Supreme Court does not take the case and hear it and rule on it. And it’s **very likely** the SCOTUS never takes the case active, hears arguments from both sides and then makes a ruling.
Being honest is sometimes difficult in the face of people’s frustrated expectations and hopes. But if you got into journalism to follow the crowd, you’re doing it wrong.
Keep Your Eyes On Arizona - There Will Be…Developments!
The Maricopa County officials engineered another rigged election, as was expected. They were forced to ‘count the votes’ for more than two weeks before finally announcing they were done. This spectacle has continued to wake up honest Americans everywhere to the fact that in many key counties in key states the local officials have been deliberately creating massively dysfunctional election systems in order to rig outcomes long after Election Day has come and gone.
Maricopa County’s Board had a meeting for the ages as citizens let them have it for running a deliberately ‘incompetent’ midterm election in which a reported 49% of the very expensive machines ‘accidentally’ malfunctioned on Election Day. The true number of county voters who were disenfranchised by this deliberate sabotage may never be known, but it may be as high as 100,000.
The good news is they’ve never tried this on someone like Kari Lake, Mark Finchem or Abe Hamadeh. The fight for election integrity is going to be ongoing in Arizona for some time. Secretary of State - and supposedly “Governor-Elect” Katie Hobbs is scheduled to certify each Arizona county’s election results next week on Monday, December 5th. Expect as many as four lawsuits to be immediately filed if Hobbs moves ahead with this fraud.
I would love it Hobbs turns out to be the first arrest that proves future direction.
SURPRISE! The Balenciaga Scandal Isn’t Going Like PizzaGate Did
About 3 years ago when someone first explained PizzaGate to me, and showed me some Q drops, I laughed out loud at the idea there was an organized Satanic cult running much of the world from the shadows.
But after I bothered to actually research this myself, I’m not laughing any more. I believe these Q drops are accurate, and many of these Satanists from the bloodline families who control much of the Hollywood, music, art, fashion, and entertainment worlds have had no problem openly boasting through art & advertising symbolism about their secret practices because they don’t fear us. Most people wouldn’t believe it anyway if you told them, and they fully count on that.
“Their symbolism will be their downfall.” While they had full narrative control, PizzaGate was successfully finessed into a ‘stupid conspiracy theory’ that could be easily dismissed. “Why, only ‘QAnon idiots believe that stuff!”
But this is five years later and Balenciaga scandal is off to a far different start.
A very different start. For one thing, instead of blowing off all the criticism after being exposed as having paid for an ad campaign making use of vile child porn ‘easter eggs’, Balenciago issued a series of defensive statements after first firing and then suing the photographer and the ad agency they paid to produce the offending images.
You know what’s very different from 2016/17, when PizzaGate occurred? The ground has shifted culturally very much from five years ago. The MSM’s dismissal and outright lying about one scandal after another in one long unbroken string has severely damaged the bad guy’s narrative control ability inside the American public square.
Not to mention the fact that the Conservative/MAGA/Q army of researchers, journalists and investigators has grown exponentially since 2017, and many of these people have become expert digital soldiers in the art of what General Michael Flynn refers to in his forthcoming book as “Fifth Generation Warfare” or Information Warfare.
Within 48 hours of autist frog researchers noticing the direct child porn easter eggs not so subtlety hidden in the images of Balenciaga’s holiday ad campaign directed at kids, it had gone so viral so fast that Balenciaga was cornered into issuing an apology while all the celebrities involved with the company lost their tongues.
While all the big celebrity Hollywood stars loudly and publicly dumped on Kanye West after his latest antics of openly talking about the secret Jewish bloodline families that run everything from the shadows, they all fell strangely silent as the Balenciago scandal exploded.
It turns out absolutely indefensible and revolting images involving children were littered all over the companies Instagram account, and now that the spotlight was on this issue, the exceedingly strange people involved in developing the revolting pictures were dragged out into the sunlight. Such as Lotta Vulkova. Below is one of the **milder** images found on this person’s Instagram.
Kim Kardashian waited six days to find her voice, and then only to talk about how ‘shocked’ and ‘outraged’ she was to discover these unsavory things had been going on at Balenciaga’s advertising agencies without her knowledge
But of course, she’s lying about not knowing. And it looks like she only found her voice after working out a payment from Balenciaga to finally speak out and start defending them after a week of bad press.
After almost 6 years of celebrity stars being paraded in front of the country to promote the woke bullshit, here we are with a massive scandal that all these same stars are keeping their mouths shut about. And don’t think people aren’t noticing that.
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It is Nice to see you again, Brian. I’m a substack subscriber who truly enjoys your journalistic style of tying things together down to the small details. Keep it up, and yes, a weekly summary of goings on sounds like a winner. Thanks.
I very much like the idea of a "News of the Week" recap. Excellent tool. Thanks!