What certain corrupt county officials will do in the 2024 election is already written. Unless you work very hard to change the script for them starting now.
They have gotten away with not following the state election law multiple times. As long as there are no real consequences for violating the laws, why would they stop?
“Everyone is paying attention this time…so they wouldn’t dare do it again!” the thinking went in the buildup to the 2022 midterms.
Only they DID do it again. Everybody knowing what they were doing even as they were doing it did not stop them.
Every county in Arizona running an honest election is openly and deliberately being disenfranchised by corrupt counties that are blatantly rigging their election outcomes.
Millions of honest hardworking Arizona voters are having their votes openly rendered null and void by a corrupt system that allows certain counties to certify their blatantly rigged vote totals.
A citizen’s vote is not some mystical concept or an idealistic fantasy. Its reality and its value is enshrined in our constitution and in our laws. A Republic’s survival rests directly upon one foundation and only one foundation : the sanctity of the vote of its citizens to select its representatives.
And as long as this present situation endures an actual real and serious crime is being committed against millions of the citizens of this Republic. Its your duty to do whatever it takes to restore their voice to them, to ensure their constitution and their votes matter.
You have a situation in which vast amounts of money has been invested in a system that requires the rigging of your state elections. The people rigging your state elections are doing what they are well-paid to do. And a lot of this money feeding this corruption is coming from outside of Arizona. Your Republic is being subverted and destroyed both from within and without.
My advice to you is: cut off this outside money.
These county and state officials enriching themselves thru this corruption don’t care about being temporarily embarrassed by the comically absurd lengths they are now being forced to resort to in order to accomplish what they were paid to do: provide the desired election outcomes their bosses wanted.
Sure, they looked bad trying to explain what happened with their increasingly dysfunctional and very expensive state of the art elections system - for a few days.
They don’t care about that.
They don’t care about blubbering interviews they have to give to the media for about a month where they whine about how they did their best and they don’t understand what went wrong with the machines while they watch the clock and countdown to certification day.
It comes with the job. They get paid for RESULTS. That’s all they care about. Were the results of their county’s blatantly dysfunctional election CERTIFIED and did the results STAND and did those rigged results DETERMINE the outcomes of the targeted statewide races?
Oh, they DID?
Well then.
That’s all they care about. All their focus is on delivering the required rigged results.
And since that’s all they currently care about, its your job to MAKE these people care about SOMETHING ELSE. Otherwise, you will never get them to stop doing this crap.
Millions of your citizens are having their constitutional right to a free and fair election stripped from them by corrupt county officials in this state who have admitted under oath in court that they did not follow the required state laws in how they conducted this last election.
This legislature MUST act on this. It is your duty.
People will do what they can get away with. That’s human nature and why we have laws and law enforcement in this fallen world.
And over the past few elections, officials in some Arizona counties have gotten an eye opening look at exactly HOW MUCH they can get away with.
Here in the State legislature, you have to make up your minds exactly what it is that you do here.
Are you really lawmakers or are you just dispensers of helpful advice? Do you pass laws that county officials actually must follow or are you merely supplying guidelines these county officials can ignore at their leisure?
Whatever you are, you’d better make up your mind, and fast.
Laws without sanction or enforcement when they are broken are not laws at all; they are nothing, really.
Maricopa county officials are ignoring the laws you pass here BECAUSE THEY CAN. What are YOU going to do to rectify the manifest crimes these official committed against untold thousands of their county’s own citizens? What are you going to do before November 2024 gets here to change this uncomfortable and completely unacceptable fact that county officials blatantly ignore state election law?
Sure would be nice if the Governor or the Attorney General would help, you say? The persons currently holding those offices were the direct beneficiaries of the law breaking we are discussing here today. You will get no aid from them and so you must stop looking to them to help you do your duty.
Just because someone tells you that you are helpless and you can’t do anything to change this intolerable situation doesn’t make that true. Every villain tells the hero they can’t win and so the fight isn’t worth it. They say that so you’ll stop trying to find ways to win and force the necessary changes to happen.
The charter between the citizen and the state is under direct assault in Arizona. Nothing is more important than the vote of the citizen.
The people counting their money and celebrating the great crime they pulled off in rigging that last election don’t believe that. They don’t believe the vote is a sacred right. They invent fake votes out of thin air and make real votes disappear in the blink of an eye. It’s all a game to them.
They believe that when money talks, the law walks.
You MUST prove them wrong. Or this Republic died with a whimper on your watch.
Only the people of Arizona can DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. At the county level!!
I can only DO something right here where I’m at. Everyone needs to realize this.
It’s going to take every one of us to get the change needed!
Last year you & I lost our Dad's in the same week.
Whilst reading the sentiments you shared about your Dad, I had tears streaming down down my face.
You're an extremely talented story teller & writer.
I know your Dad is really proud of you.