I'm Excited About Two New Websites That Have Gone Up This Week!
A Portal Site To All My Key Links and a Site That Sells All My Ebooks!
Recently a man named Andy Metcalfe, who is an amazing fellow who lives in Peru, noticed how many different links I was having to share in my Telegram channel to advertise my column archives, my donation pages, my books, my social media pages, my streaming channels, etc.
Andy is a webpage designer, so he reached out and let me know he could design a website for me that put all these things in one ‘portal’ main page. I decided to take him up on that, and boy am I glad I did. He not only got the page up in about 2 days, he didn’t charge me anything for it. We’re still tweaking it and will be improving it in the coming weeks, but the site is already live and you can see it here:
Rise of the New Media Portal Website
So instead of having to bookmark about 12 different links, you only need to bookmark that one site, in order to quickly check my column archives at this Substack, at the Epoch Times, at X22 Report and Uncover DC to see if I have any new columns up. If I say I’m starting a livestream or a live chat, you can find the links to my Twitch channel and new Locals.com community quickly. If you want to make donation, or buy one of my books or purchase something in my store, it’s right there.
Andy also noticed that I had recently cut Amazon out as the middle man for selling ebook versions of my books, and that I was selling them directly by email. While it was fun emailing the books out myself, it was time consuming as I ended up having to send out about 200 emails in the last week and a half. So Andy told me about Gumroad, which is a site created to help people automatically sell their products in the digital marketplace. And unlike Amazon, Gumroad only takes 9% of each purchase, instead of up to 55% like Amazon does. I currently have three books available at the Gumroad site: my latest column collection ‘And You Can Quote Me On That!”, a column collection from 2017, “Nobody Asked For My Opinion…But Here It Is Anyway!”, and also a Western novel I wrote, “Tex Randle: Brotherhood of the Gun”.
I also put 2 new product lines in the store in the past week: "You Know He Won. Miss Him Yet?” and “81 Million Votes? COOL STORY JOE!”, to go along with earlier lines such as “Everything Woke Turns To Shit!” and “You Are Not Going To COMPLY Your Way Out of TYRANNY”, and more.
You can get cool shirts, hoodies, tank tops, sweatshirts, coffee mugs or stickers bearing each of these designs.
Brian’s Rise of the New Media TeeSpring Store
Things are beginning to happen for me on multiple fronts, so I expect to be traveling a lot more in the coming year, which is going to lead to more plane tickets, hotel rooms and other things that cost money. Unlike the Fake News Media, where their reporters fly first class and stay in fancy hotels on the corporate media dime while they get the major stories all wrong as they deliberately try to hide what’s really happening from their audience, I have to pay my own way if I go anywhere.
But when I get there, I’m going to do my best to be accurate in my reporting while annoying all the right people.
So thank you to everybody out there who helps support independent journalism. I’m reminded everyday that I can only do this full time because of the generous support of so many great people out there who are hungry for the truth and for accurate reporting on the things that truly matter.
God bless you all!
Iam looking foward to your continued success Brian.