If Attorney General Merrick Garland Could Announce The End of the Durham Special Counsel?
He'd Have Done It Already. That He Hasn't Means He Can't.
Back in 2019, the Fake News was rife with breathless stories based on leaks from inside the Mueller Special Counsels Office by people ‘familiar with the matter’ about soon-to-drop major indictments of persons inside President Donald J. Trump’s inner circle. Supposedly, Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner among others were going to be criminal charged by the Mueller team.
Exactly when those eagerly expected indictments would drop was a matter of intense speculation in the media, so every time reporters got to ask for an update on Mueller’s investigation, you can be sure they spoke up.
Well all those reporters got their chance on January 28, 2019.
The Acting Attorney General at the time, @mattwhitaker46, had no problem whatsoever during a press conference revealing to reporters when asked that Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation was wrapping up and he was looking forward to receiving the former FBI Director's final report.
My column at the time Whittaker made this announcement:
Unfortunately, what Whittaker told the assembled press pool wasn't what the Fake News on BOTH SIDES wanted to hear.
In fact, they were violently OPPOSED to the idea there wouldn't be any more indictments coming from Mueller's Special Counsel's Office. IMMEDIATE angry objections were raised in newsrooms all across the fruited plain at this very unexpected and unwelcome development.
These media outlets had just spent MONTHS reporting the **exact opposite**, that Mueller was far from finished and would soon be indicting Donald Trump Jr., among many others.
Anybody remember this? From my February 4, 2019 column:
The immediate pushback Fake News made against AG Whittaker's announcement was stunning.
Some outlets actually went so far to claim that Whittaker was some kind of blind partisan so he was just making all this up about Mueller being almost finished, that he had no real information and didn't know what he was talking about.
So when Mueller’s Special Counsel DID END a few weeks later, exactly as Whittaker had said that it would, I wrote THIS:
Matthew Whittaker Is Owed An Apology By Fake News Media on Both Sides
The guy in the BEST POSITION TO KNOW the status of the Mueller SCO investigation was roundly attacked for delivering a status report on that investigation that **directly contradicted** the narratives all these media outlets had been feeding their audiences for months.
As just one example of the deluge of reporting that appeared calling Whittaker’s impartiality, judgment and competence into question, Vanity Fair rushed out a long piece claiming that Whitaker 'looked confused' and appeared to have no idea what he was saying.
They brought in various 'experts' like Jeffrey Toobin to comment on how 'out of the loop' Whittaker appeared to be.
[This was, of course, before that UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT in which Toobin was infamously caught on video masturbating during a group conference livestream and caused a slang term to enter into the pop vernacular: “got caught Toobin’” ]
As far as I know, none of these media outlets that slandered @mattwhitaker46 has ever apologized to him for TELLING THE TRUTH about the fact Mueller was wrapping it up, and so there wouldn't be any new indictments against people like Donald Trump Jr. or Jared Kushner.
For over two years, Fake News had enthusiastically sold the narrative to its audience that just on the basis of the infamous Trump Tower meeting alone, Don Jr., Kushner and Paul Manafort could be indicted for “Russian collusion.”
Being told these highly anticipated and longed-for indictments were, in fact, NOT coming was a gut punch to those heavily invested in the fake leaks that had been covered as ‘news’ up until that point.
This is what the Fake News does when you tell them one of their most deeply beloved and cherished narratives they've been peddling to everybody is proven to be FALSE and their audience can now see they’ve either been taken for a ride by their sources or they’ve just been making shit up.
They claim you are a blind partisan, or you're 'confused'. See, the problem wasn’t that they were peddling fake crap as ‘news’. No, that can’t be it, can it? The guy challenging their pet narratives is the one who must have the problem.
Say, some of you are probably wondering where I'm going with this.
Why I'm bringing up the ancient history of 3 years ago. Here's my reason:
Current Attorney General Merrick Garland has been asked SEVERAL TIMES if Durham is close to being finished.
Garland gives the same non-answer every time. He can't comment on an ongoing investigation. Durham has everything he needs. Then he quickly moves on.

IF John Durham had ended his Special Counsel investigation, or has told Garland he's close to wrapping up and nothing further will be coming, no indictments, etc. what **prevents** Merrick Garland from saying so?
Would Garland not rush that out as fast as he could?
If the investigation is over, or in the final stages and Durham's told him no more moves to make, absolutely NOTHING would prevent Garland from announcing this.
Right? If he could, Garland WOULD? We agree on that?
If Garland had **any sign at all** that Durham had ended his investigations or was about to do so, Garland would rush to do **exactly** what Matt Whittaker did, when Bob Mueller told him he was almost done and there would be no more indictments coming? Of COURSE he would.
So the fact he **hasn’t said anything even close to that** when he’s been asked should tell you something.

Then if you're one of the people confidently running around and TELLING EVERYBODY that Durham ended months ago, it's all over, or it's about to be over, you have a problem.
You have to explain why Garland hasn't made any announcement. Because if he COULD, he WOULD. He would be HAPPY to make that announcement.
In fact, if Garland could have made that announcement months or weeks ago and hasn’t it done it, wouldn’t that piss off Joe Biden and the Fake News Media Complex, which has been waiting with bated breath since the Danchenko trial ended for word that Durham’s been shut down?
That Garland hasn't been able to do anything but avoid the questions points to his being unable to.
What BENEFIT do Biden and Garland & their deep state buddies obtain from **pretending** Durham is still active if he's not? None that I can see.
It is in fact, MASSIVELY EMBARASSING that a Special Counsel investigation is still ongoing and active into direct malfeasance that occurred during the administration when Biden was the Vice-President and directly involved in promoting the Trump/Russia Collusion hoaxes and in the direct targeting of people like General Michael Flynn for criminal investigation & prosecution.
My position is that not only is Durham FAR from finished, he’s still in the stage where he’s laying the groundwork for coming prosecutions.
He’s only at the stage where he’s covered the creation of the two Trump/Russia collusion smears invented by the Hillary Clinton campaign’s dirty tricks team - the Steele Dossier & the Alfa Bank hoaxes. Who did what with whom in the creation of both hoaxes and then who played what role in handing them to the FBI & the CIA. Most of what he is tasked with has to do with what happened AFTER the two hoaxes made their way to the federal agencies.
He hasn’t even touched the main charge he was tasked with in the scope he was given: to find out exactly how all this fake shit that came straight from Clinton campaign bypassed every single safeguard and measure in place that should have prevented an **obvious hoax** from finding its way into a historical FISA warrant to spy on the rival Trump campaign. Spying that continued into the Trump presidency itself. All predicated on fraud.
I’ll also point out his scope includes hunting down leakers of classified information used to drive the fake Trump/Russia collusion narrative, as well as investigating how the Mueller Special Counsel ended up prosecuting people like General Flynn based on invented crimes.

So I’m very comfy as I wait for Durham to make his next move.
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Patience not being my strong suit, I wonder just how many must awaken so the truth can be revealed; however, researchers like you who “keep stuff” and then compare and contrast with current events helps immensely! Thank you for being the excellent and honest journalist you are and especially for sharing your insights with your readers! God bless you, Mr. Cates🙏
Yo' Cates,
You are doing this country a great service by being a independent journalist, I have the talent but, not the guts yet. Simply, put.. I enjoy your commentary and outside the box approach to media. Please do not stop your "Gut Feeling" reporting and insight as I have also had to pause and research sometimes. It is insightful and helps me search for truth. We are indebted, even when it does not come to fruition, as independent research Patriots searching as you do for the truth. God knows, we puny humans have to work for it. Thanks for making sense of it and rewarding us with the challenge of finding the truth or semblance of such. I think the perseverance and hope of finding the truth will win in the long run, take the WI s and losses for we are human and keep punching. Than you