An Open Letter To The Members of The 1984 Corporate News Media
Its Not Too Late To Recover Your Honor And Integrity

Dear reporters and journalists of the Corporate News Sphere:
George Orwell’s novel 1984 was not an instruction manual.
It was a cautionary tale, and a damned good one, too. There’s a reason its constantly cited as one of the most important and influential literary works of all time. Because it warns the reader by educating them about brainwashing, mind control and fascist propaganda.
However, its becoming increasingly apparent that many out-of-control government bureaucrats and some of your corporate bosses seem to think it is an instruction manual.
There is a segment of our government and corporate culture that has recently started to be exposed that genuinely seems to think that a vital part of a healthy and fully functioning democracy involves surreptitious draconian control of what citizens are publicly allowed to say both to their government and to each other.
If you happen to agree that a ruthlessly and secretly enforced censorship code to control what American citizens can say or see or hear is vitally necessary to maintain a healthy republican government, you should probably stop reading here. The O’Brien’s of the world would certainly not enjoy reading the rest of this column.
However, if you do believe in free speech, and you are not completely mentally enslaved by the corporate machine around you, by all means, please keep reading.
Brutal Honesty: You’re Not Really In the ‘News’ Business - You’re In the Propaganda Business. And the Propaganda Business SUCKS
Feeding the public endless government/corporate propaganda is for losers and devils. Aren’t you tired of it at this point? Is it really worth it to keep doing it?
How much money is a soul worth? How many figures in a paycheck make being a corporate propagandist worth it? A high five? Six? Seven?
Every day you have take another bite of the shit sandwich of dressing up the latest corporate-board-approved lies and ludicrous bullshit and making it look as good as possible in the hopes that enough of your remaining audience out there will buy it.
People make their choices about where they live and move and have their being within the corporate news sphere. For some, there's no such thing as a deal breaker within that environment. As long as they get the right sized paycheck, they’ll do whatever they are directed to do, no matter how vile or deceptive it is.
But some find the confines of the corporate news sphere with its dependency on billionaire sugar daddies and corporate advertisers calling all the shots behind the scenes far too confining and stifling. And so they step away. Or they end up being forced out because they dared to say the ‘wrong’ things where too many people could both see or hear or read them.

There's a reason Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson currently receive far higher visibility and credibility and success on the X app once they’d shed their corporate overseers because they insisted on telling the truth and would not allow their mouths to be muzzled.
As it turns out they didn't need The Intercept or Fox News to fly successfully on their own.

Unfortunately, not everybody can yet take this bold step. So many who now question where the corporate news 'ship' they are on is headed are keeping their heads down and going along with what they are told, saying what they are told to say and staying away from what they're told to stay away from.
But they're not happy. How could they be?
Its hard to posture as a truth-telling rebel when you've slowly ended up being talked into selling your soul and have been counseled into believing that offering up the control of your mouth to people you can now see are completely evil was a ‘good business decision’ at the time.
Because deep down in your heart, when you are alone and honest with can admit you’ve become just another cog in their 1984 propaganda machine, grinding out the nasty sausage and offering it to a declining audience that is becoming increasingly aware of the manipulations.
And so right now, at the current moment, you're too scared to make that move you know you need to make. You know you can’t be a part of this anymore, but you’re hesitating to take that big step.
I want you to are not alone. There are A LOT of people in your corporate news industry that can see which way the wind is blowing.
Change is sweeping this country and its going to sweep the old order of things away. Elon Musk is only one of the signs of what's coming. Actual real free speech that's broken away from corporate advertising control. He can't be bought and he can't be intimidated.
X is going to become what every real journalist ever wanted: a platform where they can say what they really think and cover the news without fear or favor.
That social media platform has massive power for those who know how to properly utilize it.
Many in the corporate news world have watched with keen interest what people like Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger have been able to achieve in an incredibly short time.
And now some very stupid rich people are attempting to use a harebrained Media Matters For America ‘hate speech’ smear in an attempt to reassert control over the X app via a coordinated advertiser boycott. They don’t like the direction the new owner has taken the world’s most popular social media app in, so they resorted to a vile bit of subterfuge to try to stop what Musk has been doing.
And its blowing up on them in a most spectacular fashion.
Its all going to come out in court.
Musk won't settle. As he is making crystal clear, this not about money. This won’t be ended by having corporate advertisers throwing a couple hundred million at him.
You are very well aware that Musk could have avoided all of this current controversy had he wanted to.
All he had to do to get MMFA to back off…
All he had to do to get the big DEI/ESG corporate advertisers to come back... do that humiliating dance we've watched so many others do recently.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'll do better. Please come back. I won’t do it again."
Is he doing that? Is he doing The Required Dance of Humiliation?
I don't think so.
This does not appear to me to be the set up for doing the humiliating shuck and jive "I'm SORRY, I'll be a GOOD BOY from now on!" dance.
This appears to be a set up for something completely different.
I believe its called the "I'm going to fucking DESTROY you!" dance.
And since its coming from the world's most wealthy man - and certainly one of the most influential - I'd take him seriously, if I were you.
If you are one of the people who truly think the corporate advertisers and the federal agencies working behind the scenes with various cut-out NGO’s will ever get back to the kind of censorship control they enjoyed under the previous ownership, you are deluding yourself. Those days are NEVER coming back.
Once people get a taste of real free speech freedom, they will never willingly bow the knee those who presume to be their Censorship Overlords.
You Were Used By Your Corporate Bosses To Lie To & Deceive The Public - And You Know It
Over the past 3 years, you should now be fully cognizant of how your byline and your name and your face was utilized in order to deliberately sell outright falsehoods to the people you asked to trust your reporting. Do you think of them as rubes and suckers? Or are you ashamed of yourself?
You know you lied not just about Hunter Biden or his real laptop, or COVID treatments/vaccines/lockdowns/masks but on many different subjects.
There comes a time you just can’t keep your head down and keep on churning out the propaganda any longer. Are you there yet?
You went along. You pushed what you told to push, knowing it wasn't true, covering over the very real questions that this country needed to ask and needed to have a real discussion about.
Are you tired yet of ginning up witch hunts for innocent people while simultaneously covering up and lying for actual criminals and publicly pretending that they are noble and heroic people?
If you are, I'd encourage you to quit putting off making that choice that confronts you quite often in your conscience.
There's no going back. What is happening cannot be stopped. Corporate obfuscation may be successful at slowing it down for a time, but the trendlines should be clear at this point.
You can go down to the bottom with the corrupt corporate news ship or you can bail out now and swim for it.
You can continue being a laughingstock of much of the country, churning out the increasingly obvious and baldly desperate lies currently in fashion at the moment with your corporate bosses...or you can do something for yourself and regain your honor and your integrity.

The choice to act to get out, or to stay where you are is yours.
But I would caution you: you may not have all that much time remaining to you to exercise this choice. Wait too long...and it'll be made for you.
You've seen others jump the corporate news ship and do just fine. Hell, you've seen people angrily tossed over the side by your corporate bosses, and you can clearly see they're doing better than ever over here.
Overcome your fear. I promise will be worth it.
Take bold action and discover there are millions of people out there who will support you for finally reporting the only thing they ever really wanted: the Truth.
Come join me in the independent news media sphere on X.
Its AWESOME over here.
Brian Cates
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Brian: what an absolutely beautiful letter to the talking heads doing the puppet dance for the masters.... Who has started likely thousands of money laundering, with many other purposes, corporations over the past 70-80 years? The CIA and they are behind all of the cabal’s propaganda machine for all of that time....the same CIA of MKULTRA and other mind control processes, many learned from their Nazi masters who came here after WWII. They participated in the infiltration operation of the other areas of government and here we are today. Except, many people are awakened and (like me) completely ignoring MSM and even calling out the propaganda in movies we watch.
The only thing I’d remind the well paid propaganda talking heads is that what they each have stated for their masters has resulted in deaths, millions of deaths over time. Way more than the deaths of WWII. Nuremberg hung many journalists for their complicity in the planned deaths. Why would you continue down this path when these Nuremberg trials will be televised and you will have no way out? Journalists have committed treason, too, and the penalty for that is well known. I suspect it’s too late.
God bless you, Brian, for your courage, tenacity and determination.🙏🙏
Those media heads had better get the program, and quick, or being the laughingstock of credibility will be the least of their problems. Here is a quick clip of Steve Bannon and Kash Patel making clear that WHEN Patel is head of CIA in January 2025, they WILL be going after the Deep Staters, and that includes the media who were also treasonous.